Creating a mobile web test

Assuming that we’re going to test “Add product item to Cart” function on website Let’s define a testing scenario.

Test Module: Add Cart Function.

Test Case: Verify that the item is moved to cart after clicking “ADD TO CART”.

Test Objective:


  1. Navigate to “shop page” at
  2. Click “ADD TO CART” button on item “Khaki Suede Polish Work Boots”.
  3. Click on the “Shopping Cart” icon to open the “cart page”.
    - The number of item in cart is 1.
    - Item “Khaki Suede Polish Work Boots” appears on “cart page”.

Then, we could write pseudo user-defined actions on the Test Module’s editor as below.

Prior to implementing those actions, we must first capture the web pages. Let’s go to the next topic.

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