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Action - Interface in com.testarchitect
This interface contains information of the action.
ActionArgument - Interface in com.testarchitect
This interface contains information of the action argument.
ActionFolder - Interface in com.testarchitect
This interface contains information of the action folder.


BaselinePicture - Interface in com.testarchitect
This interface contains information of the current baseline image.


Collection - Interface in com.testarchitect
This interface represents a collection of objects.
com.testarchitect - package com.testarchitect
connect(String, int, String) - Method in class com.testarchitect.Repository
Connects to a repository on a specified repository server.


Dataset - Interface in com.testarchitect
This interface contains information of the dataset
DatasetFolder - Interface in com.testarchitect
This interface contains information of the dataset folder.
disconnect() - Method in class com.testarchitect.Repository
Disconnects from the repository.


Entity - Interface in com.testarchitect
This is the base class representing an TestArchitect item.
ERR_MSG_BLANK_VALUE - Static variable in class com.testarchitect.ErrorCode
ERR_MSG_CANNOT_CONNECT_REPO - Static variable in class com.testarchitect.ErrorCode
ERR_MSG_CANNOT_CREATE_FILE - Static variable in class com.testarchitect.ErrorCode
ERR_MSG_CANNOT_FIND_ARGUMENT - Static variable in class com.testarchitect.ErrorCode
ERR_MSG_CANNOT_SAVE_FILE - Static variable in class com.testarchitect.ErrorCode
ERR_MSG_CLASS_MAP_NOT_EXIST - Static variable in class com.testarchitect.ErrorCode
ERR_MSG_EXPORT_FOLDER_ALREADY_EXISTS - Static variable in class com.testarchitect.ErrorCode
ERR_MSG_EXPORT_HAVE_INCLUDE_PICTURE_CHECK - Static variable in class com.testarchitect.ErrorCode
ERR_MSG_EXPORT_INVALID_DESTINATION_FILE - Static variable in class com.testarchitect.ErrorCode
ERR_MSG_EXPORT_INVALID_FILE_NAME - Static variable in class com.testarchitect.ErrorCode
ERR_MSG_EXPORT_INVALID_INPUT_TYPE - Static variable in class com.testarchitect.ErrorCode
ERR_MSG_EXPORT_INVALID_OUTPUT_TYPE - Static variable in class com.testarchitect.ErrorCode
ERR_MSG_EXPORT_INVALID_PATH_OF_ACTION_ROOT - Static variable in class com.testarchitect.ErrorCode
ERR_MSG_EXPORT_INVALID_PATH_OF_DATASET_ROOT - Static variable in class com.testarchitect.ErrorCode
ERR_MSG_EXPORT_INVALID_PATH_OF_INTERFACE_ROOT - Static variable in class com.testarchitect.ErrorCode
ERR_MSG_EXPORT_INVALID_PATH_OF_RESULT_ROOT - Static variable in class com.testarchitect.ErrorCode
ERR_MSG_EXPORT_INVALID_TA_PATH_ROOT - Static variable in class com.testarchitect.ErrorCode
ERR_MSG_EXPORT_INVALID_TA_PATH_SLASH - Static variable in class com.testarchitect.ErrorCode
ERR_MSG_EXPORT_ITEM_FAILED - Static variable in class com.testarchitect.ErrorCode
ERR_MSG_EXPORT_REPOSITORY_FAILED - Static variable in class com.testarchitect.ErrorCode
ERR_MSG_FIND_TEST_ITEM_INVALID_SOURCE_ID - Static variable in class com.testarchitect.ErrorCode
ERR_MSG_IMPOR_ITEM_FAILED - Static variable in class com.testarchitect.ErrorCode
ERR_MSG_IMPORT_FILEPATH_CANNOT_BE_FOLDER - Static variable in class com.testarchitect.ErrorCode
ERR_MSG_IMPORT_INVALID_FILE_FORMAT - Static variable in class com.testarchitect.ErrorCode
ERR_MSG_IMPORT_INVALID_PATH_OF_INTERFACE_ROOT - Static variable in class com.testarchitect.ErrorCode
ERR_MSG_IMPORT_INVALID_SOURCE_FILE - Static variable in class com.testarchitect.ErrorCode
ERR_MSG_IMPORT_REPO_EXISTS - Static variable in class com.testarchitect.ErrorCode
ERR_MSG_IMPORT_REPO_RUNNING - Static variable in class com.testarchitect.ErrorCode
ERR_MSG_IMPORT_REPOSITORY_FAILED - Static variable in class com.testarchitect.ErrorCode
ERR_MSG_INTERNAL_EXCEPTION - Static variable in class com.testarchitect.ErrorCode
ERR_MSG_INVALID_DOTNET_CLASSMAP_FILE_NOT_EXIST - Static variable in class com.testarchitect.ErrorCode
ERR_MSG_INVALID_FILE_NAME - Static variable in class com.testarchitect.ErrorCode
ERR_MSG_INVALID_FILE_PATH - Static variable in class com.testarchitect.ErrorCode
ERR_MSG_INVALID_FOLDER_PATH - Static variable in class com.testarchitect.ErrorCode
ERR_MSG_INVALID_INPUT_FILE_TYPE - Static variable in class com.testarchitect.ErrorCode
ERR_MSG_INVALID_LOGIN_CREDENTIALS - Static variable in class com.testarchitect.ErrorCode
ERR_MSG_INVALID_NAME - Static variable in class com.testarchitect.ErrorCode
ERR_MSG_INVALID_NAME_BLANK - Static variable in class com.testarchitect.ErrorCode
ERR_MSG_INVALID_NAME_VARIATION - Static variable in class com.testarchitect.ErrorCode
ERR_MSG_INVALID_OUTPUT_FILE_TYPE - Static variable in class com.testarchitect.ErrorCode
ERR_MSG_INVALID_PATH_OF_ACTION - Static variable in class com.testarchitect.ErrorCode
ERR_MSG_INVALID_PATH_OF_DATASET - Static variable in class com.testarchitect.ErrorCode
ERR_MSG_INVALID_PATH_OF_INTERFACE - Static variable in class com.testarchitect.ErrorCode
ERR_MSG_INVALID_PATH_OF_RESULT - Static variable in class com.testarchitect.ErrorCode
ERR_MSG_INVALID_PATH_OF_TEST - Static variable in class com.testarchitect.ErrorCode
ERR_MSG_INVALID_PORT - Static variable in class com.testarchitect.ErrorCode
ERR_MSG_INVALID_PROJECT_INFOR - Static variable in class com.testarchitect.ErrorCode
ERR_MSG_INVALID_REPOSITORY_NAME_ARGUMENT - Static variable in class com.testarchitect.ErrorCode
ERR_MSG_INVALID_SLASH_SOURCE_PATH - Static variable in class com.testarchitect.ErrorCode
ERR_MSG_INVALID_SOURCE_ID - Static variable in class com.testarchitect.ErrorCode
ERR_MSG_INVALID_SOURCE_PATH - Static variable in class com.testarchitect.ErrorCode
ERR_MSG_INVALID_SOURCE_PATH_ROOT - Static variable in class com.testarchitect.ErrorCode
ERR_MSG_INVALID_SOURCE_PATH_SLASH - Static variable in class com.testarchitect.ErrorCode
ERR_MSG_INVALID_TA_PATH_ROOT - Static variable in class com.testarchitect.ErrorCode
ERR_MSG_INVALID_TA_PATH_SLASH - Static variable in class com.testarchitect.ErrorCode
ERR_MSG_NOT_ASSIGNED - Static variable in class com.testarchitect.ErrorCode
ERR_MSG_NOT_HAVE_PERMISSION - Static variable in class com.testarchitect.ErrorCode
ERR_MSG_PORT_IS_INVALID - Static variable in class com.testarchitect.ErrorCode
ERR_MSG_WRONG_SYNTAX - Static variable in class com.testarchitect.ErrorCode
ErrorCode - Class in com.testarchitect
ErrorCode() - Constructor for class com.testarchitect.ErrorCode
executeSQLQuery(String) - Method in class com.testarchitect.Repository
Executes a SQL command.
exportFromId(String, String, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Project
Export a specific project item, identified by its TestArchitect ID, to a file.
exportFromId(String, String, String, boolean) - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Project
Export a specific project item, identified by its TestArchitect ID, to a file.
exportFromPath(String, String, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Project
Export a specific project item, identified by its TA path, to a file.
exportFromPath(String, String, String, boolean) - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Project
Export a specific project item, identified by its TA path, to a file.
exportRepository(String, int, String, String, boolean) - Static method in class com.testarchitect.Repository
Export a repository to a file.
exportToHTML(String) - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Result
Exports test result into the HTML format.


getAction(String) - Method in interface com.testarchitect.ActionFolder
Returns an action with a given relative tree path.
getAction(String) - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Project
Returns the desired Action object based on the given tree path.
getActionFolder(String) - Method in interface com.testarchitect.ActionFolder
Returns action folder with a given relative tree path.
getActionFolder(String) - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Project
Returns the desired ActionFolder object with the given relative tree path.
getActionFolders(boolean) - Method in interface com.testarchitect.ActionFolder
Returns recursively/not recursively a collection of child action folders in the current parent action folder.
getActionFolders(boolean) - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Project
Returns recursively a collection of action folders in the current project.
getActions(boolean) - Method in interface com.testarchitect.ActionFolder
Returns recursively/not recursively a collection of child actions in the current parent action folder.
getActions(boolean) - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Project
Returns recursively a collection of high-level actions in the current project.
getActionScript() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Action
Gets the action scripts written in the current action.
getArguments() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Action
Gets the collection of arguments in the current action.
getAssignUser() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Action
Gets the name of the user who has been assigned to the current action.
getAssignUser() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.ActionFolder
Gets the name of the user who has been assigned to the current action folder.
getAssignUser() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Dataset
Gets the name of the user who has been assigned the current dataset.
getAssignUser() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.DatasetFolder
Gets the name of the user who has been assigned the current dataset folder.
getAssignUser() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.TestModule
Gets the name of the user who has been assigned the current test module.
getAssignUser() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.TestSuiteFolder
Gets the name of the user who has been assigned the current test suite folder.
getBaselines() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.PictureCheck
Gets all baseline pictures belonging to the current picture check.
getChecks() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Result
Returns the total number of checks.
getColumnCount() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Dataset
Gets the number of columns in the current dataset.
getColumnCount() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.QueryResult
Returns the number of columns in the current result set.
getColumnNameByIndex(int) - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Dataset
Gets the name of a specified column with a given column index value.
getColumnNameByIndex(int) - Method in interface com.testarchitect.QueryResult
Returns the name of a specified column with a given column index value.
getComment() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Result
Returns the value of the the Comment field in the test result.
getCreatedBy() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Action
Gets the name of the user who has created the current action.
getCreatedBy() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.ActionFolder
Gets the name of the user who has created the current action folder.
getCreatedBy() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Dataset
Gets the name of the user who has created the current dataset.
getCreatedBy() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.DatasetFolder
Gets the name of the user who has created the current dataset folder.
getCreatedBy() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Project
Returns the name of the user who has created the current project.
getCreatedBy() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.TestModule
Gets the name of the user who has created the current test module.
getCreatedBy() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.TestSuite
Gets the name of the user who has created the current test suite.
getCreatedBy() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.TestSuiteFolder
Gets the name of the user who has created the current test suite folder.
getCreationDate() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Action
Gets the date of action creation.
getCreationDate() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.ActionFolder
Gets the date of action folder creation.
getCreationDate() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Dataset
Gets the date of dataset creation.
getCreationDate() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.DatasetFolder
Gets the date of dataset folder creation.
getCreationDate() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Project
Returns the date of project creation.
getCreationDate() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.TestModule
Gets the date of test module creation.
getCreationDate() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.TestSuite
Gets the date of test suite creation.
getCreationDate() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.TestSuiteFolder
Gets the date of test suite folder creation.
getDataProfile() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.TestSuite
Gets the value of the Data Profile field in the current test suite.
getDataset(String) - Method in interface com.testarchitect.DatasetFolder
Returns a dataset with a given relative tree path.
getDataset(String) - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Project
Returns the desired Dataset object with the given relative tree path.
getDatasetFolder(String) - Method in interface com.testarchitect.DatasetFolder
Returns a dataset folder with a given relative tree path.
getDatasetFolder(String) - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Project
Returns the desired DatasetFolder object with the given relative tree path.
getDatasetFolders(boolean) - Method in interface com.testarchitect.DatasetFolder
Returns recursively a collection of dataset folders in the current parent dataset folder.
getDatasetFolders(boolean) - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Project
Returns recursively a collection of dataset folders in the current project.
getDatasets(boolean) - Method in interface com.testarchitect.DatasetFolder
Returns recursively a collection of child datasets in the current parent dataset folder.
getDatasets(boolean) - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Project
Returns recursively a collection of datasets in the current project.
getDataType() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.ActionArgument
Gets the value of DataType field in the current argument.
getDateOfRun() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Result
Returns the date of the running test.
getDateOfRun() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.TestCaseResult
Returns the date of the running test case.
getDefaultValue() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.ActionArgument
Gets the value of DefaultValue field in the current argument.
getDescription() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Action
Gets the value of the Description field in the current action.
getDescription() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.ActionArgument
Gets the value of Description field in the current argument.
getDescription() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.ActionFolder
Gets the value of the Description field in the current action folder.
getDescription() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Dataset
Gets the value of the Description field in the current dataset.
getDescription() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.DatasetFolder
Gets the value of the Description field in the current dataset folder.
getDescription() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Project
Returns the value of the Description field in the current project.
getDescription() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.TestModule
Gets the value of the Description field in the current test module.
getDescription() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.TestSuite
Gets the value of the Description field in the current test suite.
getDescription() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.TestSuiteFolder
Gets the value of the Description field in the current test suite folder.
getDuration() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Result
Returns the test duration.
getEndTime() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Result
Returns the time when the test run terminates.
getEntityById(String) - Method in class com.testarchitect.Repository
getErrors() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Result
Returns the total number of error checks.
getErrors() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.TestCaseResult
Returns the total number of error checks in a test case result.
getFailures() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Result
Returns the total number of failed checks.
getFailures() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.TestCaseResult
Returns the total number of failed checks in a test case result.
getFieldValue(String) - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Entity
Returns the value of a field.
getIgnoredFails() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Result
Returns the number of failed checkpoints that are marked as known bugs.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.testarchitect.Repository
Returns a repository instance.
getInterfaceElements() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.InterfaceEntity
Gets all interface elements belonging to the current interface entity.
getInterfaceEntities(String) - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Project
Returns the desired InterfaceEntity object with the given relative tree path.
getItemAt(int) - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Collection
Returns a specified item with a given index.
getLastErrorMessage() - Static method in class com.testarchitect.Repository
Returns the most recent error message.
getLastProblems() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.InterfaceEntity
This function serves for error handling purpose.
getLastProblems() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Project
This function serves for error handling purpose.
getLastUpdateDate() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Action
Gets the date when the current action has been last updated.
getLastUpdateDate() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Dataset
Gets the date when the current dataset has been last updated.
getLastUpdateDate() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.TestModule
Gets the date when the current test module has been last updated.
getLastUpdateDate() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.TestSuite
Gets the date when the current test suite has been last updated.
getLastUpdatedBy() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Action
Gets the name of the last user who has updated the current action.
getLastUpdatedBy() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Dataset
Gets the name of the last user who has updated the current dataset.
getLastUpdatedBy() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.TestModule
Gets the name of the last user who has updated the current test module.
getLastUpdatedBy() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.TestSuite
Gets the name of the last user who has updated the current test suite.
getLocalResults() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Project
Returns a collection of all local results.
Local results are results that have not been stored into the repository.
getLocation() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Action
Gets the location of the current action.
getLocation() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.ActionFolder
Gets the location of the current action folder.
getLocation() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Dataset
Gets the location of the current dataset.
getLocation() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.DatasetFolder
Gets the location of the current dataset folder.
getLocation() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Result
Returns the location of the test result.
getLocation() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.TestCase
Gets the location of a test case.
getLocation() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.TestCaseResult
Returns the location of a test case result.
getLocation() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.TestModule
Gets the location of the current test module.
getLocation() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.TestObjective
Gets the location of the current test objective.
getLocation() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.TestSuite
Gets the location of the current test suite.
getLocation() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.TestSuiteFolder
Gets the location of the current test suite folder.
getModifier() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.ActionArgument
Gets the value of Modifier field in the current argument.
getName() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Entity
Returns the string with the name of the entity, for example the name of a test module.
getNotes() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Action
Gets the value of Notes field in the current action.
getNotes() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.ActionFolder
Gets the value of Notes field in the current action folder.
getNotes() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Dataset
Gets the value of Notes field in the current dataset.
getNotes() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.DatasetFolder
Gets the value of Notes field in the current dataset folder.
getNotes() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Project
Returns the value of the Notes field in the current project.
getNotes() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Result
Returns the value of the Note field in the test result.
getNotes() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.TestCase
Gets the value of the Notes field in the current test case.
getNotes() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.TestCaseResult
Returns the Notes field in a test case result.
getNotes() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.TestModule
Gets the value of Notes field in the current test module.
getNotes() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.TestObjective
Gets the value of the Notes field in the current test objective.
getNotes() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.TestSuite
Gets the value of Notes field in the current test suite.
getNotes() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.TestSuiteFolder
Gets the value of Notes field in the current test suite folder.
getPassed() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Result
Returns the total number of passing checks.
getPassed() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.TestCaseResult
Returns the total number of passing checks in a test case result.
getPictureCheck(String) - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Project
Returns the desired picture check with the given relative tree path.
getPictureChecks(boolean) - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Project
Returns recursively a collection of picture checks in the current
getPictureChecks() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.TestModule
Gets the list of the picture checks kept within the current picture check.
getPriority() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.TestModule
Gets the value of the Priority field in the current test module.
getProject(String) - Method in class com.testarchitect.Repository
Returns a specific project with a given name.
getProjects() - Method in class com.testarchitect.Repository
Returns all projects residing under a repository.
getRecentResult() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.TestCase
Gets the value of the Recent result field in the current test case.
getRecentResult() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.TestModule
Gets the value of the Recent result field in the current test module.
getRecentResult() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.TestObjective
Gets the value of the Recent result field in the current test objective.
getReporter() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Result
Returns the value of the Reporter field in the test result.
getResult(String) - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Project
Return the desired Result object with the given relative tree path.
getResult() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Result
Returns the final result of a test run.
getResult(String) - Method in interface com.testarchitect.ResultFolder
Gets the result of a test run with the given relative tree path.
getResult() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.TestCaseResult
Returns the result status of an executed test case.
getResultFolder(String) - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Project
Returns the desired ResultFolder object with the given relative tree path.
getResultFolder(String) - Method in interface com.testarchitect.ResultFolder
Gets the result folder with the given relative tree path.
getResultFolders(boolean) - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Project
Returns recursively a collection of test result folders in the current project.
getResultFolders(boolean) - Method in interface com.testarchitect.ResultFolder
Gets recursively a collection of child result folders in the currernt parent result folder.
getResultName() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Result
Returns the title of the test result.
getResults(boolean) - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Project
Returns recursively a collection of test result status in the current project.
getResults(boolean) - Method in interface com.testarchitect.ResultFolder
Gets recursively a collection of the child results located in the current parent result folder.
getResults() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.TestModule
Gets the result status of the current test module.
getRevisionTimestamp() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Action
Gets the value of the Revision Timestamp field in the current action.
getRevisionTimestamp() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Dataset
Gets the value of the Revision Timestamp field in the current dataset.
getRevisionTimestamp() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.TestModule
Gets the value of the Revision Timestamp field in the current test module.
getRowCount() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Dataset
Gets the number of rows in the current dataset.
getRowCount() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.QueryResult
Returns the number of rows in the current result set .
getRunMachine() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Result
Returns the value of the Run Machine field in the test result.
getSize() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Collection
Returns the number of items in a collection.
getSource() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.TestCase
Gets the value of the Source field in the current test case.
getSource() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.TestModule
Gets the value of the Source field in the current test module.
getSource() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.TestObjective
Gets the value of the Source field in the current test objective.
getSource() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.TestSuite
Gets the value of the Source field in the current test suite.
getStartTime() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Result
Returns the starting time of the test run
getStatus() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Action
Gets the value of Status field in the current action.
getStatus() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Dataset
Gets the value of the Status field in the current dataset.
getStatus() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.TestModule
Gets the value of the Status field in the current test module.
getTAClass() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.InterfaceElement
Gets the value of the TA class field in the current interface element.
getTestCaseCoverage() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.TestObjective
Gets the value of the Test Case coverage field in the current test objective.
The Test Case coverage field represents the number of test cases covering the current test objective
getTestCaseResults() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Result
Returns a list of test case result.
getTestCases() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.TestModule
Gets all test cases belonging to the current test module.
getTestCases() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.TestObjective
Gets the collection of test cases covering the current test objective.
getTestedApplication() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Project
Returns the value of the Tested application field in the current project.
getTestFileName() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Result
Returns the title of the executed test module.
getTestFolder(String) - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Project
Returns the desired TestFolder object with the given relative tree path.
getTestFolder(String) - Method in interface com.testarchitect.TestFolder
Returns a test module folder with a given relative tree path.
getTestFolders(boolean) - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Project
Returns recursively a collection of test module folders in the current project.
getTestFolders(boolean) - Method in interface com.testarchitect.TestFolder
Returns recursively a collection of child test module folders in the current parent test module folder.
getTestModule(String) - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Project
Returns the desired TestModule object with the given relative tree path.
getTestModule() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Result
Returns the test module belonging to the current test result.
getTestModule(String) - Method in interface com.testarchitect.TestFolder
Returns a test module with a given relative tree path.
getTestModules(boolean) - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Project
Returns recursively a collection of test modules in the current project.
getTestModules(boolean) - Method in interface com.testarchitect.TestFolder
Returns recursively a collection of child test modules in the current parent test module folder.
getTestModules() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.TestSuite
Gets all test modules belonging to the current test suite.
getTestObjectives() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.TestCase
Gets a collection of test objectives declared in the current test case.
getTestObjectives() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.TestModule
Gets all test objectives belonging to the current test module.
getTestScript() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.InterfaceEntity
Gets the test procedures written in the current interface entity.
getTestScript() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.TestModule
Gets the test scripts written in the current test module.
getTestSuite(String) - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Project
Returns the desired TestSuite object with the given relative tree path.
getTestSuite(String) - Method in interface com.testarchitect.TestSuiteFolder
Returns a test suite with a given relative tree path.
getTestSuiteFolder(String) - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Project
Returns the desired TestSuiteFolder object with the given relative tree path.
getTestSuiteFolder(String) - Method in interface com.testarchitect.TestSuiteFolder
Returns a test suite folder with a given relative tree path.
getTestSuiteFolders(boolean) - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Project
Returns recursively a collection of test suite folders in the current project.
getTestSuiteFolders(boolean) - Method in interface com.testarchitect.TestSuiteFolder
Returns recursively a collection of test suite folders in the current parent test suite folder.
getTestSuites(boolean) - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Project
Returns recursively a collection of test suites in the current project.
getTestSuites(boolean) - Method in interface com.testarchitect.TestSuiteFolder
Returns recursively a collection of child test suites in the current parent test suite folder.
getTitle() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.TestCase
Gets the title of the current test case.
getTitle() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.TestCaseResult
Get the title of a test case result.
getTitle() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.TestObjective
Gets the title of the current test objective.
getUnverifiedPictureChecks() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Result
Return the total number of unverified picture checks (pictures not yet submitted).
getURL() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Action
Gets the value of URL field in the current action.
getURL() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.ActionFolder
Gets the value of URL field in the current action folder.
getURL() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Dataset
Gets the value of the URL field in the current dataset.
getURL() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.DatasetFolder
Gets the value of the URL field in the current dataset folder.
getURL() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.TestCase
Gets the value of the URL field in the current test case.
getURL() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.TestModule
Gets the value of the URL field in the current test module.
getURL() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.TestSuite
Gets the value of the URL field in the current test suite.
getURL() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.TestSuiteFolder
Gets the value of the URL field in the current test suite folder.
getValueByColIndex(int) - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Dataset
Gets the value of a specified column in the current row with a given column index value.
getValueByColIndex(int) - Method in interface com.testarchitect.QueryResult
Returns the value of the specified column in the current row indicated by a column index value.
getValueByColName(String) - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Dataset
Gets the value of the specified column in the current row indicated by a column name value.
getValueByColName(String) - Method in interface com.testarchitect.QueryResult
Returns the value of the specified column in the current row indicated by a column name value.
getVariation() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Result
Returns the value of the Variation field in the test result.
getVersion() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.TestModule
Gets the value of the Version field in the current test module.
getWarnings() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Result
Returns the total number of warning checks.
getWarnings() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.TestCaseResult
Returns the total number of warning checks in a test case result.
getWebLink() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Result
Gets the value of the Web Link field in the current test result.


importRepository(String, int, String, String, boolean) - Static method in class com.testarchitect.Repository
Import a repository from a file.
importToId(String, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Project
Import a project item from a file to a project location identified by TestArchitect ID.
importToId(String, String, boolean) - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Project
Import a project item from a file to a project location identified by TestArchitect ID.
importToPath(String, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Project
Import a project item from a file to a project location identified by TA path.
importToPath(String, String, boolean) - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Project
Import a project item from a file to a project location identified by TA path.
InterfaceElement - Interface in com.testarchitect
This interface contains information of the interface element
InterfaceEntity - Interface in com.testarchitect
This interface contains information of the interface entity
isAutomated() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Result
Tests if the test run is automated.


login(String, String) - Method in class com.testarchitect.Repository
Log on to the repository.
logout() - Method in class com.testarchitect.Repository
Logs out of the repository.


MSG_EXPORT_SUCCESSFULLY - Static variable in class com.testarchitect.ErrorCode
MSG_IMPORT_SUCCESSFULLY - Static variable in class com.testarchitect.ErrorCode


next() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Dataset
Move the cursor forward one row from its current position.
next() - Method in interface com.testarchitect.QueryResult
Move the cursor forward one row from its current position.


PictureCheck - Interface in com.testarchitect
This interface contains information of the picture check.
Project - Interface in com.testarchitect
This interface represents a TestArchitect project.


QueryResult - Interface in com.testarchitect
This interface contains result of the query execution.


Repository - Class in com.testarchitect
This class corresponds to a TestArchitect repository Object.

TestArchitect repository Object is the root object for TAUtilities session.
Repository() - Constructor for class com.testarchitect.Repository
Result - Interface in com.testarchitect
This interface contains information of test module result.
ResultFolder - Interface in com.testarchitect
This interface contains information of the result folder.


save(String) - Method in interface com.testarchitect.BaselinePicture
Save current baseline image to file


TestCase - Interface in com.testarchitect
This interface contains information of a test case.
TestCaseResult - Interface in com.testarchitect
This interface contains information of test case result.
TestFolder - Interface in com.testarchitect
This interface contains information of the test module folder.
TestModule - Interface in com.testarchitect
This interface contains information of the test module.
TestObjective - Interface in com.testarchitect
This interface contains information of the test objective.
TestSuite - Interface in com.testarchitect
This interface contains information of the test suite.
TestSuiteFolder - Interface in com.testarchitect
This interface contains information of the test suite folder.


uploadResult(String) - Method in interface com.testarchitect.Result
Determines whether a local result is automatically updated to the repository after the test run is complete.
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