Lesson #2: Interfacing with a GUI

The exercises in this lesson guide you through the creation of a test that simulates a user logging into the sample application, populating a text field and clicking a button.

Audience: Testers, Automation engineers

Time: Duration: 2 hours


  • Basic understanding of how a TestArchitect interface is used.
  • Familiarity with the TestArchitect test editor.
  • Essential understanding of TestArchitect repositories, projects and tests.

What you will learn:

  • Creating a test (one that actually tests something)
  • Making use of a TestArchitect interface in action lines
  • Running the test and viewing results
  • How to view test results

Starting the sample application
The Car Rental sample application mimics a reservation system for a fictitious car rental company. You will use this application in this lesson and others for your example tests.

Creating the test
Build a new test module based on the interface of the Car Rental sample application, and create a simple test that interacts with the AUT.

Running the test
Execute your test to have TestArchitect perform the actions you defined in your test module.

Summary: What you learned

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