Test result status

The topic of this section contains information about detailed test result status.

Result statusDescriptionNotes
PassedA test reaches the end of an automated run, with:
- no errors/warnings encountered
- all checkpoints are passed.

When a test reaches the end, and no errors and no warnings have occurred; the test does not contain any checkpoints. The test is Passed.
FailedA test reaches the end of an automated run, with one or few checkpoints are failed.

Passed with Warnings/ErrorsA test reaches the end of an automated run, with:
- one or few warnings/errors encountered
- all checkpoints are passed.

The most common use case for this result status is as follows: - A test reaches the end of an automated run, one or several warnings occurred, no errors detected, and all checkpoints are passed.

Passed with Known BugsA test reaches the end of an automated run, with:
- no errors/warnings encountered
- failed checkpoints detected, but they are already marked as known bugs.

Not FinishedA test is started but it is unable to reach the end of an automated run. Note that, the number of automation errors/ warnings, and passed/failed checkpoints do not matter. Specifically:
- A test run which is aborted explicitly because a test case timeout is reached is Not Finished. (Learn more.)
- Automation runs which crash unexpectedly are Not Finished.
- Automation errors occur and they are handled by the following built-in actions:
- terminate
- exit test module
- exit test case

- The legacy status, Aborted Test Cases, in the TA-TFS result status mapping is automatically mapped to Not Finished.
- If the automation playback is stopped, the test module’s status is Not Finished and the last test case or the Final section’s status is also Not Finished.
- Not Finished supports inheritance. Specifically, if sub-result’s status is Not Finished, the master result’s status will be Not Finished.
- For exit test module and exit test case, the overall result status, Not Finished, can be reconfigured in the exit status. (For details, please refer to exit test case and exit test module)

Not RunA test case has not started.The legacy status, Skipped test case, in the TA-TFSresult status mapping is automatically mapped to Not Run.

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