Summary tab

The test result Summary tab reports basic test run information which summarizes various aspects of the test. A summary report represents the results of a single run of one test module.

Test result summaries are displayed on the test result Summary tab, and the various summaries it contains are grouped into sections.

The Summary tab is available when the test results are viewed either on TestArchitect Client or a web browser.

General Information section

The top of the Summary tab lists such items as follows:

Table 1. General information

ResultResult of the test execution
Test moduleName of the executed test module
Revision timestampTimestamp of the executed revision of the test module
Start timeStart time of the test execution
DurationDuration of the test execution
Time travelingSelected timestamp when time traveling is implemented for the run, and the executed test module is checked in. (Learn more.)
Run byUser who runs the test
Run machineTestArchitect controller executing the test
OSOS name of the TestArchitect controller executing the test
Video snapshots directoryThe location at which screen-recording videos (taken during the automated test runs) are stored.
Device NameName of the target physical mobile device
Device OSOS name of the target physical mobile device
Desired capabilities nameName of the target cloud mobile device and full path to the JSON file, which defines target cloud devices (learn more)


The test result name consists of:

  1. test module name;
  2. if part of a serial test run, the test module’s chronological position in the test run, in parentheses;
  3. execution timestamp, in the format: (yyyy-mm-dd, where nn=minutes;
  4. – (hyphen);
  5. process id of the test module’s run, received from the O/S. (Used to ensure a unique name for the result, in the event that two instances of the given test module’s execution happen to have identical timestamps.)

Test Case Summary section

This section displays the executed test cases, skipped test cases (if any) and their test results in terms of passed, failed, passed with warning/error, passed with known bug, not run, and not finished.

Table 2. Test case summary

Total test casts selectedThe number of test cases selected to be executed.
Total test cases executedThe number of test cases that were actually executed.
PassedThe number of passed test cases.
FailedThe number of failed test cases.
Passed with Warning/ErrorThe number of test cases that passed, but at least one warning or error was detected.
Passed with known bugThe number of test cases that failed, but for which each failed check was already marked as a known bug.
Not RunThe number of test cases that were skipped during execution, because the automated test was halted. Note that, when a test case is skipped, its detailed information has the N/a text.
Not FinishedThe number of test cases that were unable to reach the end of an automated run.
Test CaseA list of all executed test cases. Note that each test case name listed in the leftmost column of this list is hyperlinked, so that clicking on it displays the result details on a web browser.
ChecksThe number of checkpoints (check actions) in each test case.
PassedThe number of checkpoints with passed results in each test case.
FailedThe number of checkpoints with ordinary failed results in each test case.
Ignored FailsThe number of failed checkpoints that are marked as known bugs in each test case.
Total FailsThe number of ordinary failed checkpoints plus the number of ignored failed checks in each test case.
WarningThe number of checkpoints producing automation warnings in each test case.
ErrorThe number of checkpoints resulting in automation errors in each test case.

Step Summary table: With the support of this table, you might take a quick glance at which test steps have automation problems. Also you might grab the test flow thoroughly when you can identify the exact test steps in which the failures, errors, or warnings occur.

Figure: Step Summary table on TestArchitect Client

Figure: Step Summary table on a web browser


Failure/Error Summary section

Applies to TestArchitect 8.3 Update 5 and higher.
The section exhibits a list of the failures occurring during the test run. For more details, please refer to Failure/Error Summary tab.

Known Bug Summary section

Applies to TestArchitect 8.3 Update 5 and higher.

This section displays details about known bugs marked on action lines. For more details, please refer to Known Bug Summary tab.

Log Information tab section

Applies to TestArchitect 8.3 Update 5 and higher.

This section displays the logging information from the report actions, that is, report, report check, report warning, and report error in the test procedure.

For more details, please refer to Log Information tab.

Additional functions

The Summary tab also has an icon bar from which you can conveniently activate functions such as deleting and exporting test results, setting and comparing baselines, etc. This quick-access icon bar is located in the upper-right hand corner of the Summary tab.

Based on types of test result, that is, local or repository, available options may vary.

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