Known Bug Summary tab

Reviewing test results can assist you in determining if and when JIRA bug issues on a JIRA server should be closed.

The contents of Known Bug Summary are organized into a tab when the test results are viewed on a web browser; whereas they are organized into a sub-section when the results are viewed on TestArchitect Client.

The Known Bug Summary tab shows all known bug marked on action lines (learn more). Exploring this tab reveals the following information:

Table 1. Known bug summary

BugID of the TA bug. Click the Bug ID to view Bug Information in TestArchitect Client.
SummaryA brief one-line summary of the TA bug.
Test CaseThe particular section in the test module in which the TA bug is exposed. The section can be Initial, Final or a specific test case. Click the test case number to view the corresponding test case in the Result Details tab.
StatusThe current status, or life cycle stage, of the marked known bug, as defined in the bug’s Current status field.
This RunThe suggested status of the TA bug for this automation run. (Learn more.)
LineThe line number in the test where the action is marked as a known bug. (Note that any number of action lines may be marked with a given bug ID.) Clicking on the line number allows you to view the corresponding line in the Result Details tab.
Ignored FailsThe number of executions of the marked action line that failed during the run.

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