generate command

ta generate is used to generate Test Architect test data to a runnable package using the command-line interface.

Applies to TestArchitect 9.1 and higher


ta generate -rep <repository> -u <username> -p <password>[Optional arguments]




Displays the help information for the generate command


Specifies the name of the repository


  • -rep “SampleRepository”


Specifies the user name to log in to the repository


Specifies the password to log in to the repository.
Example: -p “aeteyfghdt13”
you can exact the encrypted password of a given username from a test execution batch file.



Specifies the IP address or machine name of the repository server.
Example: -rs
  • The port number must fall within a range of 53400 to 53499
  • The default machine name is localhost and port number is 53400.


Specifies the name of the project.
  • -prj “Car Rental”


Specifies the full path or ID of the test suite or the test module to be generated.
  • Test module: -t “/Action-based Testing Basics/Action Based Testing”
  • Test suite: -t “Test Suites/Functional Tests”
Before specify this argument you should specify the -prj first.



Specifies full path of generated file/folder.
  • Unless you defines this argument, TestArchitect will generate to the default location: C:\Users<username>\Documents\TestArchitect\Generate
  • Network paths are supported.
  • If the path contains spaces, enclose it in double quotes("").


Specifies the package file name after generated.
Default value: Repository name_YYYY-MM-DD_HH-MM-SS


Determines whether to overwrite the file if it already exists.
Applicable values:
  • yes: Overwrite
  • no: (Default) Do not overwrite
Example: -o “yes”

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