assigning a license
The process of a license server granting a license to a host that has requested one.
- ホーム
TestArchitect Genie - AIアシスタント
- Test Architect 9.5の新機能
- Version history
- Getting started
- Projects and project items
- Tests
- Actions
- Test Recorder
- Interface definitions
- Integration with third-party tools
- Variations
- Test execution
- Finding bugs with TestArchitect
- Controller management
- Working with test results
- TestArchitect command line tool
- Reporting and dashboard
- Lab Manager
- Import/Export command line tool
- Support
- Frequently asked questions
- Table of keyboard shortcuts
- Glossary of terms
- .NET
- action
- Action Based Testing (ABT)
- action definition
- action line
- action, application-level
- action, built-in
- action, system-level
- action, user
- action, user-defined
- action, user-scripted
- active area
- active UI element
- active tab
- administrative item
- agent license
- allocated license
- applicable actions list
- argument
- assigning a license
- asynchronous remote execution
- automation
- automation engineer
- automation error
- available license
- baseline definition
- baseline image
- baseline object
- bitmap text fragment
- block
- Boolean
- built-in TA class
- captured image
- cell pointer
- check
- checkpoint
- class mapping
- client-directed execution
- cluster
- condition, action
- container class
- control
- controller
- critical wait setting
- decomposition
- dedicated data set
- default interface
- deputy
- dummy data set
- dynamic identifier
- effective variation
- action encapsulation
- explicit variation
- expression indicator
- floating license
- functional area
- GUI element
- hardware target
- host-based license
- host project
- image under test
- inline data set
- intake
- intelligent navigation
- interface definition
- interface element
- interface entity
- interpreter error
- issued license
- iteration
- keypoint descriptor
- keypoint detection
- keypoint profile
- keypoint set
- keyterm
- keyword run set
- keyword signature
- lead
- license pool
- license server
- locked container class
- name change propagation
- named filter
- native property
- native control class
- node-locked license
- non-critical wait setting
- non-verify mode
- offline execution
- online execution
- open tab
- operative variation
- parallel synchronous remote execution
- picture check
- precondition, action
- primary property
- progressive variability
- project item
- property-value pair
- reclaiming a license
- rect area
- regular expression
- regular picture check
- removing a license
- rescinding a license
- run setup time
- run time
- search area
- secondary property
- serial synchronous remote execution
- serial test run
- shared picture check
- similarity index
- similarity threshold
- static identifier
- stub action
- subtest
- synchronous remote execution
- system intake
- system signature
- target device
- TA class
- TA handle
- TA name
- TA path
- TA property
- TestArchitect Agent
- TestArchitect agent license
- TestArchitect Automation Agent
- TestArchitect Client
- TestArchitect Universal
- test case
- test design
- test designer
- test editor
- test execution session
- test image
- test module
- test objective
- test run set
- training image
- UI-interactive action
- UI-interfacing action
- UI-modifying action
- UI-sampling action
- UI-testing action
- unlocked container class
- unverified picture check
- user-defined TA class
- value set
- variation set
- variation signature
- verify mode
- version compilation order
- version compilation order list (VCOL)
- wildcard
- window
- window intake
- Frequently asked questions
- Introduction to Action Based Testing
- Deprecated features
- Legal and usage information
- On-demand support
- TestArchitect User Portal
- Test Architect 9.5の新機能