Working with Web Interface Viewer

With TestArchitect’s Web Interface Viewer, web elements within the target website are captured and exported in the form of interface elements. Web Interface Viewer generates locators automatically and allows you to save them to your interface entity. This topic provides general information of the Web Interface Viewer’s capturing functionality.

1. Starting the Web Interface Viewer

  1. In TestArchitect, create a new interface entity, or open an existing one for editing. Check it out if needed.

  2. From the TestArchitect menu bar, select Tools > Web Interface Viewer.

    Fastpath: Alternatively, press CTRL+F7 on your keyboard, or click the Web Interface Viewer button on the toolbar.

  3. The TestArchitect Web Interface Viewer dialog will open to specify the URL.

    • URL (Required): The URL of your website under test.

    • Browser(Optional): The browser used to capture the web element.


      Currently, TestArchitect Web Interface Viewer only supports Chrome.

  4. Click Start button to start the Web Interface Viewer session.

2. Inspecting web elements

You can inspect the element you wish with following steps:

  1. Click Inspect button to turn ON Inspecting mode

  2. Move mouse pointer to the desired element. Notices that, Web Interface Viewer will highlight the element with a orange rectangle when you hover mouse on it.

  3. Left click on the element

  4. You will see that, Web Interface Viewer automatically generates a locator value for you

    • Recommended icon means that this locator value is recommended by Web Interface Viewer to use it for your automation testing. The criteria of Recommend are: uniqueness and stability.

    • There are a couple types of element that will be visible only when having mouse focus/clicking on it; and they will disappear if the physical mouse clicking or moving to another position. Enable Inspect mode with hot key will help to capture these kinds of element by using Ctrl + Shift + X hot key combination follow some steps below:

    • Make an element appears on the AUT

    • Hold Ctrl + Shift + X at the same time.

    • Move your mouse to that element and left click to get its locator value.


    Currently, Hot key only supports Javascript elements.

3. Verifying locators

4. Exporting locator to interface entity

In order to export the current locator to TestArchitect interface entity, you have to:

  1. Input the name for that locator in TA Name textbox

    制限: : 

    The following special characters are not allowed in TA names: \ / : * ? " ’ < > | # [ ]

  2. Click Export button


    As mentioned above, you have to open a check-out interface entity on TestArchitect to receive a locator from Web Interface Viewer.

    Ensure that interface entity is an active tab before Export to avoid unexpected issue.

  3. The locator and relative info in Web Interface Viewer will be exported and recorded in TestArchitect as an interface element

5. Verifying captured interface element from TestArchitect

  1. Start Web Interface Viewer with your AUT site

  2. Navigate to the site that contains your desired element(s)

  3. In the interface entity editor, right-click on an interface element, select Verify locator…

  4. Open the Chrome browser contains your AUT. The Chrome icon will be flashing in the Windows taskbar.

  5. Observe the result on the Web Interface Viewer toolbar and pop-up as below:

6. Other functionalities

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