Other functionalities

Save, Refresh, Open vs. Active, HTML tags filter, Copy Value, Class Mapping, Show Invisible Windows, Show Invisible Controls, Show All Processes functionalities are discussed in this section.

Save function (Interface Viewer)
Once the proper controls have been named in the tree, and the identifying properties have been selected, you can save the definitions to the interface entity with the Save button.

Refresh function (Interface Viewer)
Click the Viewer’s Refresh button to prompt it to re-inventory all the currently open windows in the system.

Handling of non-active open interface entities
The Interface Viewer generally only works with an interface entity in the active tab. Under some circumstances, it makes exceptions.

HTML tags filter (Interface Viewer)
Web pages are composed of HTML elements rather than controls, with each element type specified by a tag. Web applications can often have pages with a large number of tags that you really have no need to interface with for proper testing. The Interface Viewer helps you by allowing you to limit the elements displayed in the UI explorer to only certain types, excluding all others.

Copy value
The Properties Panel displays the current property-value pairs of the selected control.

Show invisible windows
Getting the Interface Viewer’s UI Explorer to display invisible windows.

Show invisible controls
Getting the Interface Viewer’s UI Explorer to display invisible controls.

Show all processes
By default, this toggle item on the View menu is enabled, which results in a display of all visible windows.

Using Microsoft UI Automation Technology
The purpose of UI Automation technology is to expose rich information about the UI elements used in Windows applications.

Capture all controls
To hasten the process of capturing all available controls belonging to a specific TA class, you can use the Capture all controls function in the Interface Viewer.

Text recognition (Interface Viewer)
The Text Recognition feature in the Interface Viewer helps you determine which drawing Windows APIs should be employed. The employed APIs will help the Graphics Device Interface (GDI) built-in actions detect text produced by the AUT.

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