label property - positional details

Associating controls with labels donated from other controls is a multi-step process. The procedure implemented by TestArchitect requires precise definitions of what constitutes alignment between controls, proximity of controls, and determining the distance between them. Those technical details are explained here.

Aligned labels

For a full understanding of the label-finding algorithm employed by TestArchitect, one needs to understand, in precise terms, how the system determines whether a label control is aligned with a label-accepting control.

Most broadly, TestArchitect recognizes three types of alignment between label controls and label-accepting controls: left zone alignment, top zone alignment, and right zone alignment:


Proximate non-aligned labels

Assuming that, for a given label-accepting control, no suitable aligned label control is found, the system proceeds to search for as-yet-unassigned labels that lie within a certain portion of the neighborhood of the main control.

Two zones abutting the main control are examined for candidate labels: the left zone and the top zone. Note that no priority is assigned to label controls based on the zone they reside in. A pool of candidates from the two zones is established, and the selected label is the candidate deemed to reside closest to the main control.

The following figure illustrates the acceptable left zone placement of a label control with respect to a main control, for the label control to be a candidate label donor. It depicts the ranges of acceptable positions for each of the label control’s top, right and bottom edges.

The following figure illustrates the acceptable top zone placement of a label control with respect to a main control, for the label control to be a candidate label donor. It depicts the ranges of acceptable positions for each of the label control’s top, right and bottom edges.

Determination of value for T : T is the threshold value used for placing an upper physical limit on the position of a label control’s bottom edge relative to a main control, for that label control to qualify candidate label donor under the top zone scenario above. T varies by platform:

Distance determination between label and main control

At any of several points along the label-finding procedure, a pool of more than one qualified label candidates may be found for a given label-accepting control. When that happens, the candidate deemed physically closest to the main control is selected as the label donor. Specifically, the chosen label control is the one whose center point is closest to the upper-left corner of the main control:

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