Supported constant values in TAExecutionConstant.cs

Lists constant values of the TAExecutionConstant.cs class.

Supported constant values in TAExecutionConstant.cs

The following table lists constant values of the TAExecutionConstant.cs class. This class contains the constants that are used for the TAExecution object.

FunctionConstant nameDescription
Specifying TestArchitect's general information.

This function corresponds to the TestArchitect Information panel in the TestArchitect Execution dialog box.

LicenseServerLicense server hostname or IP address
LicensePortLicense server port
TrialKeyLicense trial key
RepositoryServerRepository server hostname or IP address
RepositoryNameRepository name
RepositoryPortRepository port
UserNameRepository user name to log in with
PasswordPassword to log in with
ProjectNameProject name
Specifying remote controllers and physical/cloud mobile devices.

This function corresponds to the Controllers/Devices panel in the TestArchitect Execution dialog box.

RemoteHostRemote hostname or IP address
RemoteHostPortRemote host port
DevicePhysical mobile devices to run the tests
DesiredCapabilitiesFileThe JSON file containing desired capabilities to specify the target cloud providers.
Specifying the variations to be executed

This function corresponds to the Variation Specification panel in the TestArchitect Execution dialog box.

KeywordKeyword variation(s)
VersionAUT version(s)
  • Determine whether time traveling execution is selected? (Learn more.)
  • Possible values:
    • Yes/True or
    • No/False
TimeTravellingThe specified historical snapshot of the test's project items for execution

Configuring the capturing of screenshots of UI-Interacting actions (learn more.)

This function corresponds to the Screenshot recording panel in the TestArchitect Execution dialog box.

ScreenRecordingModeDetermine whether screenshots of UI-Interacting actions are captured during test execution?
  • Possible values:
    • Yes/True or
    • No/False
ScreenRecordingNumberOfKeptInteractionThe number of preceding screenshot sets that are to be retained for each qualified event.
  • Specify the Passed event of the test for which associated screenshots are to be retained.
  • Possible values:
    • Yes/True or
    • No/False
  • Specify the Warning/Error events of the test for which associated screenshots are to be retained.
  • Possible values:
    • Yes/True or
    • No/False
  • Specify the Failed events of the test for which associated screenshots are to be retained.
  • Possible values:
    • Yes/True or
    • No/False
Exporting test results to .TARESULT

This function corresponds to the Export Result(s) to TARESULT panel in the TestArchitect Execution dialog box.

  • Determine whether test results are exported as .TARESULT files to a specified location?
  • Possible values:
    • Yes/True or
    • No/False
ExportResultToTAResultPathLocation to store the exported .TARESULT files.
: A path must start with an @ character.
  • Export all the master result, which is a test suite result or contains subresults, and its subresults to .TARESULT format.
  • Possible values:
    • Yes/True or
    • No/False
IncludeScreenshotsForTAResultInclude all captured screenshots in the exported .TARESULT files.
Exporting test results to .HTML

This function corresponds to the Export Result(s) to HTML panel in the TestArchitect Execution dialog box.

  • Export test results to .HTML files to a specified location?
  • Possible values:
    • Yes/True or
    • No/False
ExportResultToHtmlPathLocation to store the exported .HTML files.
: A path must start with an @ character.
  • Select whether folder structure or flat structure directory is created to store HTML results?
  • Possible values:
    • 0: Flat structure, that is, TestArchitect does not create subdirectories. There is a single top-level directory that contains all the HTML results.
    • 1: Folder structure, that is, TestArchitect creates a hierarchical tree structure, or subdirectories to store HTML results.
  • Export all the master result, which is a test suite result or contains subresults, and its subresults to .HTML format.
  • Possible values:
    • Yes/True or
    • No/False
  • Retain all captured screenshots in the exported HTML test result?
  • Possible values:
    • 0: Do not export captured screenshots.
    • 1: Screenshots are exported as thumbnail images to save space in the HTML results.
    • 2: Screenshots are exported in their original, full size resolution.
  • Determine whether the test results are exported as .HTML files with your own view layout?
  • Possible values:
    • Yes/True or
    • No/False
XslTForHTMLPathLocation of your customized XSLT template.
: A path must start with an @ character.
Exporting test results to .XML

This function corresponds to the Export result(s) to XML detail panel in the TestArchitect Execution dialog box.

  • Determine whether the test results are exported as .XML files to a specified location?
  • Possible values:
    • Yes/True or
    • No/False
ExportResultToXmlPathLocation to store the exported .XML files.
: A path must start with an @ character.
Exporting test results to .xUnit. Specifically, exporting results to a XML file automatically in xUnit-format for integrating into the continuous integration tools.

This function corresponds to the Export result(s) to xUnit panel in the TestArchitect Execution dialog box.

  • Export test results to .XML files which conform to the xUnit format to a specified location?
  • Possible values:
    • Yes/True or
    • No/False
ExportResultToXunitPathLocation to store the exported .XML files in xUnit format.
: A path must start with an @ character.
Including screenshots in the results attached to TFS.

This function corresponds to the Include screenshots panel in the TestArchitect Execution dialog box.

  • Retain all captured screenshots in the results?
  • Possible values:
    • 0: Do not export captured screenshots.
    • 1: Screenshots are exported as thumbnail images to save space.
    • 2: Screenshots are exported in their original, full size resolution.
Uploading test results as attachments to TFS

This function corresponds to the Upload attachment(s) to Team Foundation Server panel in the TestArchitect Execution dialog box.

  • Upload attachments to TFS? (Learn more.)
  • Possible values:
    • Yes/True or
    • No/False
  • List of TFS test result types that accept the attachment. (Learn more.)
  • Possible values:
    • Passed,
    • Failed, or
    • Inconclusive
: Use commas (,) as delimiters between possible values.
  • Format for test result to be added to TFS. (Learn more.)
  • Possible values:
    • HTML,
    • ZIP, or
    • AUTO.
    : The AUTO option uploads the result as a ZIP file if the file exceeds a given size, specified in the UploadResultToTfsAutoZipSize constant below. Otherwise, the result is uploaded as an .HTML file.
UploadResultToTfsAutoZipSizeMinimum size of test results to be compressed as ZIP automatically. (Learn more.)
: A path must start with an @ character.
  • Decide whether TFS test ID is used to name the TA test results uploaded to TFS?
  • Possible values:
    • Yes/True or
    • No/False
Storing local test results in the repository automatically.

This function corresponds to the Automatically add result(s) to repository panel in the TestArchitect Execution dialog box.

  • Automatically add test results to repository? (Learn more.)
  • Possible values:
    • Yes/True or
    • No/False
ResultRepositoryDestination on repository to store test results to. (Learn more.)
  • List of result types to add to the repository. (Learn more.)
  • Possible values:
    • Passed,
    • Passed with Warnings/Errors,
    • Failed, or
    • Passed with known bug
: Use commas (,) as delimiters between possible values.
Startup settingsStartupSettingsMode
  • Enable startup setting? (Learn more.)
  • Possible values:
    • Yes/True or
    • No/False
StartupSettingsList of startup setting(s). (Learn more.)
Configuring automation tools.

This function corresponds to the Automation Tools panel in the TestArchitect Execution dialog box.

TestToolName of the test playback tool.
TestScriptPath to a script for the test playback tool.
For example: {INSTALL_DIR}\BinClient\taplayback.exe
: A path must start with an @ character.

Execution command line to run test automation with a customized harness program.

For example: {INSTALL_DIR}\BinClient\taplayback.exe
: A path must start with an @ character.
TestPathThe executable application's path to run the test.
For example: c:/Python27/python.exe
: A path must start with an @ character.
Stopping tests on timeoutAbortRemainingTestCases
  • Determine whether the remaining test cases are also aborted when the test run is aborted.
  • Possible values:
    • Yes/True: When the duration of a test run reaches its timeout value, the test run is aborted instantly, even if some test cases have not been run.
    • No/False: When the duration of an individual test case reaches its timeout value, the execution of that test stops. The test run continues with the subsequent test cases.
  • Applies to TestArchitect 8.3 Update 4 and higher.

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