Support for Oracle Forms built-in actions

Built-in actions supported by TestArchitect for testing Oracle Forms.

Applies to TestArchitect 8.4 and higher.

Table 1. Action support

Action Namebuttoncombobox, poplistlistmenutab paneltextfieldtreewindowtoolbarcheck boxradio buttontablestatus barscroll bar
check xxxx x 
check control existsxxxxxxx xxxxxx
check control not existsxxxxxx xxxxxx
check control propertyxxxxxxx xxxxxx
check control tooltipxxxxxxx xxxxxx
check tab orderxxxxxxxxxxxx
does control existxxxxxxx xxxxxx
focus controlxxxxxxxxxxx x
get xxxxxx 
get control propertyxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
get control tooltipxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
is control focusedxxxxxxxxx  x
check list cell valuex   
get list cell valuex   
check item existsxx   
check item not existsxx   
does item existxx   
check list item orderx   
check list orderx   
check selected itemsxx   
click list itemx   
get list item countx   
check selected countx   
get selected countx   
get selected itemsxx   
check table cell valuexx  
click table cellxx  
is cell selectedxx  
check column header namexx  
get column header namexx  
get column header coordinatesxx  
get table cell containingxx  
get table cell valuexx  
select columnx   
set table cell value    
get column numberxx  
check text existsxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
check text not existsxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
click textxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
does text existxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
get text coordinatesxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
if text existsxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
if text not existsxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
check picturexxxxxxxxxxxxxx
check picture existsxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
check picture not existsxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
click picturexxxxxxxxxxxxxx
does picture existxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
get picture locationxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
if picture existsxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
if picture not existsxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
check status bar section state            x 
check status bar section value            x 
get status bar section state            x 
get status bar section value            x 
check tab existsx   
check tab not existsx   
select tabx   
close tab    
does tab existx   
check pattern in textx   
check pattern not in textx   
check button menu existsx   
check button menu not existsx   
check context menu item existsxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
check context menu item not existsxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
check context menu item statexxxxxxxxxxxxxx
check menu item existsx   
click select menux   
click toolbar button              
does button menu existx   
does context menu item existxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
does menu item existx   
does toolbar button exist   
does toolbar menu item exist   
get context menu item statexxxxxxxxxxxxxx
get toolbar menu state   
select button menux   
select context menu itemxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
select menu itemx   
select toolbar menu   
scroll downxx  x
scroll leftxx  x
check scrollbar existsxx   
check scrollbar not existsxx   
does scrollbar existxx   
scroll rightxx  x
scroll upxx  x
check tree node existsx   
check tree node not existsx   
check tree node statusx   
click tree nodex   
collapse tree nodex   
count child nodex   
does tree node existx   
expand tree nodex   
get tree check    
get tree node statusx   
get selected tree node pathx   
select tree node menux   
set tree check    
check window existsx   
check window not existsx   
check window propertyx   
close windowx   
does window existx   
focus windowx   
get window propertyx   
identify windowsx   
move windowx   
resize windowx   
restore windowx   
click windowx   
drag mousex   
move mousex   
if control existsxxxxxxx xxxxxx
if control not existsxxxxxxx xxxxxx
if window existsx   
if window not existsx   
wait for propertyxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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