Installing appium server

Installing XCode

If you haven’t already installed XCode, go to the Apple App Store on your Mac or click here.

Command Line Tools

You’ll also need to install Command Line Tools (CLT) for Xcode. You can do this by running xcode-select --install from the terminal. You can also get it from Apple’s download page.

Once the installation is complete, verify that the CLT location has been set in Xcode.

  1. Open Xcode and go Preferences under Xcode in the menu bar (or hit CMD + ,)
  2. Click on the Location tab
  3. Select the location of of your Command Line Tools


Homebrew is a package manager for OSx. We’ll need it to install some of the packages. If you haven’t already, you can install it by running this from the terminal:

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

To see if you already have Homebrew, try running brew -v from the terminal


Carthage is a dependency manager for iOS development. It is required for iOS testing. Install it by running this from the terminal:

brew install carthage

Installing JDK

  1. Download the proper installation file from Oracle (The LTS version is recommended i.e. Java SE 11.0.5(LTS)) for your operating system

  2. Run the installer, then wait until the installation is complete

  3. Set JAVA_HOME in your system’s environmental variables to the JDK installation path.

    • OSx: Open ~/.bash_profile with a text editor and add the line export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home. Save the file and run source ~/.bash_profile from the terminal

For detailed instructions on setting up the JDK, please refer to Oracle’s JDK Installation guide.

Installing Appium

Appium Desktop

For test development, we need to install Appium Desktop, a full package that contains:

Click here to download and install the package for OSx. Typically it’s the one with .dmg extension

Now open Appium Desktop and click the Edit Configurations button.

Save the settings and restart Appium Desktop.

Appium Command line

  1. Install Appium
   npm install -g appium

Before running a test, you’ll need to start Appium Server by running appium from the terminal. If you are using Appium Desktop ignore this.

  1. Install Appium-doctor

npm install -g appium-doctor

To verify that everything is installed properly run appium-doctor from the terminal.

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