Configuring Appium server locally

Describes detailed steps to configure Appium server locally on Windows machines.

Ensure that the following requirements are met:

  1. Launch the Appium application.

  2. In the Appium dialog box, click the Android Settings button.

  3. In the Android Settings dialog box, under Application panel, specify Use Browser as Chrome.

  4. Under Capabilities panel, specify the following information.

    • Platform Name: Android
    • Automation Name: Appium
    • PlatformVersion: Android version of the cloud device rented on Remote TestKit. Note that, the SDK package of this Android version must also be available. (Learn more.)

  5. In the Appium dialog box, click the Developer Setting button.

  6. In the Developer Settings dialog box, select the Custom Server Flags check box, and then input –log-level warn.

    This flag suppresses debugging messages, including warning, error, and fatal messages, logging to the console to prevent the Appium server from crashing unexpectedly.

  7. In the Appium dialog box, start the Appium server by clicking the Launch the Appium Node Server button.

    The Appium server is started successfully from your local host.

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