

Enumeration that indicates the state of items in ListBox, ListView, MenuBar, ToolBar, and TreeView controls.


CHECKED or 16: Indicates that the item’s check box control is currently checked. Use for ListBox, ListView, and TreeView only.

COLLAPSED or 1024: The item’s list of child items is currently collapsed; that is, the child items are invisible. Use for TreeView only.

DIMMED or 32: Indicates that the item’s check box control is currently in an indeterminate state. Use for ListBox, ListView, and TreeView only.

DISABLED or 1: Indicates that the item is currently disabled. Use for MenuBar, and ToolBar only.

ENABLED or 0: Indicates that the item is currently enabled. Use for MenuBar, and ToolBar only.

EXPANDED or 512: The item’s list of child items is currently expanded; that is, the child items are visible. Use for TreeView only.

SELECTED or 2: Indicates that the item is currently selected. Use for all ListBox, ListView, MenuBar, ToolBar, and TreeView.

UNCHECKED or 0: Indicates that the item’s check box control is currently unchecked. Use for ListBox, ListView, and TreeView only.

UNSELECTED or 0: Indicates that the item is currently unselected. Use for all ListBox, ListView, MenuBar, ToolBar, and TreeView.

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