check popup message


Check the messages displayed by one or more confirmation, prompt, or alert popups against their respective expected text strings. Result is Passed if all values match; otherwise Failed.


Valid contexts

This action may be used within the following project items: test modules and user-defined actions.


Applicable Built-In Settings

The following settings are applicable to this action: remove double quotes from cells, standard ASCII only.

Applicable Controls

This action is applicable to the following controls: none.

Example - Case 1: A single popup

Scenario: You are testing a shopping cart page with a button, Delete this item, for removing an item from your cart:

  1. Upon clicking the button, a confirmation popup appears with the message Do you want to delete this item?. Two buttons, OK and Cancel, are displayed.
  2. In the popup, the OK button is clicked.
  3. The test then verifies the message of the confirmation popup.

Action Lines


Example - Case 2: A sequence of multiple popups

Scenario: You are testing a shopping cart page with a button, Delete this item, for removing an item from your cart:

  1. Upon clicking the button, a confirmation popup appears with the message Do you want to delete this item?. Two buttons, OK and Cancel, are displayed.
  2. In the popup, the OK button is clicked.
  3. This triggers an alert popup with the message Item deleted, and a single OK button.
  4. The test clicks OK in the alert to dismiss it and proceed.
  5. The test then verifies the following in three separate action lines:
    • The message of the most recently handled popup (the alert popup).
    • The message of the second most recently handled popup (the confirmation popup).
    • The messages of both popups.

Action Lines


Related information

click on next popup

enter text on next popup

get popup message

get popup default text

check popup default text

clear popup queue

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