License log file

The license log file tracks license requests submitted to the license server. It can be helpful in interpreting events and problems.

To open and view license log files, click the Open License Log Folder button on the License Server Control Panel. TestArchitect opens the location containing all license usage statistic log files. This location, established during TestArchitect license server’s installation, defaults to the following:

  • Windows: C:\Users\Public\LogiGear\TestArchitect\LicenseServer\logging
  • Linux: /usr/local/logigear/testarchitect/data/ls/logging
  • macOS: Note that the TestArchitect License Server is not currently supported on macOS.

The TestArchitect License Server stores a single log file for each month. You may configure the length of time for files to be retained. (Learn more.)

The license log file of a given TestArchitect license server consists of records containing information on license requests submitted by client machines, and the outcomes of those requests. This information is stored to a .CSV log file and formatted as below:

DateTimeSession IDMachineRequested LicenseStatusNotes
5/3/201415:303192.168.167.164-LGVN1238-WIN7.logigear.comUniversalDeniedNo available licenses
5/3/201416:301192.168.167.162-LGVN1236-WIN7.logigear.comUniversalAcceptedLicense rescinded from client
5/4/201417:302192.168.167.163-LGVN1237-WIN7.logigear.comUniversalAcceptedLicense rescinded from client

The contents of the log file records are as follows:

  • Date: The date stamp specifying when TestArchitect License Server received a request from a client machine, or released a license to a client machines.
  • Time: The time stamp specifying when TestArchitect License Server received a request from a client machine, or released a license to a client machines.
  • Session ID: An identifying number linking related records. A given license session lasts for the period of time that a client holds a license, so that the same session ID is assigned to the record of a client requesting a license and the subsequent reclaiming of that license by the license server. In cases where a license request is immediately denied by the license server, the session is considered to be limited to that one transaction, and is assigned to only one log record.
  • Machine: The client machine involved in the transaction with the TestArchitect license server.
  • Requested License: The license type involved in the transaction.
  • Status: The outcome of the client machine’s request, or result of a server-initiated action: Accepted or Denied.
  • Notes: Further information regarding the request. Possible messages are displayed below.
    No available licenses.TestArchitect License Server receives a license request from a client machine, but the server has no available licenses of the type requested.
    No valid licenses availableAny licenses available on the license server have expired.
    No Agent license available; assigned <license type> license insteadTestArchitect License Server receives a request for an Agent license. Having no Agent licenses available in the pool, the server instead allocates an available Universal license to the requesting client.
    License rescinded from clientThe license server reclaims a license from a client machine.
    Request denied. No valid licenses availableThe request is denied. TestArchitect has determined that there are no available unexpired licenses.

Configuring license log file
How to configure the number of retained license log files.

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