configure webdriver

Set up an advanced test environment where you are going to run tests with WebDriver.

Set of keys and values, in JSON format, sent by the client to describe the capabilities that a new session created by the server should possess

This action may be used within the following project items: test modules and user-defined actions.

Suppose that we'd like to launch Chrome in headless and webdriver mode. The desired capabilities should resemble the following:

  • capabilities: desired capabilities. (Learn more)
    • browserName: The name of the browser being used.
  • options: A list of all the specific desired capabilities.
    • args: list of command-line arguments to use when starting Chrome.
      • -headless: Run in headless mode, i.e., without a UI or display server dependencies.
Action lines
configure webdriver	{"capabilities":{"browserName":"chrome"},"options":{"args":["--headless"]}}

Besides, in GWD mode, you can decide whether or not to keep the browser open after test execution by using the clean upkey. See the example below for more information:

configure webdriver	{"cleanup":"no"}
  • yes (Default): close browser after test execution.
  • no: keep the browser open after test execution.
Sample code
                  	setting	value
setting	webdriver mode	on
configure webdriver	{"capabilities":{"browserName":"chrome"},"options":{"args":["--headless"]}}	
check window exists	[doc title=Google]	
  • The purpose of keeping the browser open is to help you to debug your test. Using it may cause some problems related to headless mode, multi-execution, un-rent devices, etc. Please be aware of this before using this setting.

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