
Specify an HTTP authentication scheme and its information before working with web services.

HTTP authentication scheme

Possible values:

Value SetBasic, OAuth 2, Digest

HTTP authentication information (see ).

This action may be used within the following project items: test modules and user-defined actions.
The following settings are applicable to this action: remove double quotes from cells.
Example 1 - Basic authentication scheme

Suppose that you'd like to test the a given API based on the following information:

  • Authentication scheme: Basic authentication
  • Web service under test:
  • Username: john.doe
  • Password: R6z,nUjeH];3L4r:
        	name	value			
local variable	username	john.doe			
local variable	password	R6z,nUjeH];3L4r:			
local variable	uri			
	schema	value			
authenticate	basic	# username& ":" & password			
create http request					
	uri	method	timeout	variable	expected code
send http request	# uri	GET	200	>>response	200
	response	status	header	body	
parse http response	# response	>>status	>>header	>>body	
Example 2 - OAuth 2.0 authentication scheme

Suppose that you'd like to test a given Gmail API to get all messages based on the following information:

  • Authentication scheme: OAuth 2.0
  • Web service under test: Users.messages: get
  • Access token: ya29.Ci-fA76X0cjJXa2Lx0RM-fRyAQ6-6pboEX-iuT7PR-yYV6D-Rfbos7bs151wiL-O7w
    For Google APIs in order to retrieve the access token for OAuth 2.0, read here.
        	name	value			
local variable	uri			
local variable	access token	ya29.Ci-fA76X0cjJXa2Lx0RM-fRyAQ6-6pboEX-iuT7PR-yYV6D-Rfbos7bs151wiL-O7w			
	schema	value			
authenticate	oauth 2	# access token			
create http request					
	key	value			
add http header	Content-Type	application/json			
	uri	method	timeout	variable	expected code
send http request	# uri	GET	200	>>response	200
	response	status	header	body	
parse http response	# response	>>status	>>header	>>body	
Example 3 - Digest authentication scheme

Suppose that you'd like to test a given API based on the following information:

  • Authentication scheme: Digest authentication
  • Web service under test:
  • Username: john.doe
  • Password: 123
        	name	value			
local variable	username	john.doe			
local variable	password	123			
local variable	uri			
	schema	value			
authenticate	digest	# username& ":" & password			
	uri	method	variable	timeout	expected code
send http request	# uri	GET	>>response	100	200
	response	status	header	body	
parse http response	# response	>>status	>>header	>>body	
  • You are required to declare this built-in action before the authentication is started. Additionally, this built-in action can also be declared after or before the declaration of create http request.
  • value argument: Depends on which authentication scheme is selected, there are different ways to provide HTTP authentication information.
    1. For Basic HTTP authentication scheme: Specify username and password to authenticate with the service you are using. Follow this format userid:password.
      You can either input a plain text string or a base64url encoded string. To encode a text string into a base64url encoded string, you can use the Online Base64URL encoder tool.
      For example: username is John and password is Doe.
      • Plain text string: John:Doe
      • Base64url encoded string: Sm9objpEb2U
    2. For OAuth 2.0 scheme: Specifying an access token which is required to access OAuth protected resources. For example: ya29.Ci-fA76X0cjJXa2Lx0RM-fRyAQ6-6pboEX-iuT7PR-yYV6D-Rfbos7bs151wiL-O7w
    3. For Digest authentication scheme: Specify two fields including username and password to authenticate with the service you are using. Follow this format username:password.
  • This action supports the <ignore> modifier. If the string <ignore> is present as the value of any of the arguments, or any argument contains an expression that evaluates to <ignore>, the action is skipped during execution.

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