add http parameter

Add a parameter including a pair of key/value to a GET request. Note that, this parameter will be added to the query string in the requester URL. For example:

Name of the parameter.


(Optional) Value of the parameter.

This action may be used within the following project items: test modules and user-defined actions.
The following settings are applicable to this action: remove double quotes from cells.
  • Option #1: Use add http parameter to add pairs of name/value into the GET request.
                        create http request				
    	key	value		
    add http parameter	firstName	John		
    add http parameter	lastName	Doe		
    	uri	method	variable	expected code
    send http request	GET	>>response	200
  • Option #2: Use send http request to append pairs of name/value into the URI of the GET request.
                        create http request				
    	uri	method	variable	expected code
    send http request	GET	>>response	200
  • An HTTP request must be instantiated via create http request before calling this built-in action.
  • To add multiple value parameters into the URI of the GET request, in your test procedures declare several add http parameter. These name/value pairs are joined with equal signs and different pairs are separated by the ampersand. For example: /test/demo_form.asp?name1=value1&name2=value2.
  • Alternatively, when you do not want to use this built-in action to add a name/value pair into the GET request, append the name/value pair directly into the URI and then send the entire GET request to the server by using the send http request built-in action. (See )
  • This action supports the <ignore> modifier. If the string <ignore> is present as the value of any of the arguments, or any argument contains an expression that evaluates to <ignore>, the action is skipped during execution.

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