
Set the value of a TestArchitect built-in setting.

Built-in setting name.

Value Setcase sensitive, ignore blank space, etc.

Value to set.

Value Setyes, no, etc.
This action may be used within the following project items: test modules and user-defined actions.
                                    	setting	value
setting	case sensitive	yes
	value	expected
check value	LOGIGEAR	LogiGear
	setting	value
setting	case sensitive	no
	value	expected
check value	LOGIGEAR	LogiGear
  • Settings are used by the TestArchitect engine to steer the automation process. A list of available built-in settings may be found in Built-in settings.
  • The setting action allows you to change the value of a built-in setting “on-the-fly” (that is, during run time). It should be noted that you can also set built-in setting values prior to the test run, through the Startup Settings panel of the Execute Test dialog box.

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