set variable

Assign a value to an existing local or global variable. If the variable has not been declared, declare a new global variable and assign a value to it.

Name of the variable.


Value to assign to the variable.

This action may be used within the following project items: test modules and user-defined actions.
The following settings are applicable to this action: remove double quotes from cells.
                                    	name	value
local variable	s	LogiGear
	variable	value
set variable	s	TestArchitect
	value	expected
check value	# s	TestArchitect
  • In the event that multiple instances of a given variable name exist at the time set variable executes, the action operates on the one that is currently visible (See Variables for more on visibility and scope). To ensure that the global instance of a given variable name is accessed (assuming it exists), use the set global variable action.
  • Use variables within pound sign (#) expressions to access their contained values.

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