click tree node

Click a specified tree node.

TA name of the window.

Interface EntityNone

TA name of the tree control.

Interface ElementNone
node path

Path to the node (see ).

click type

(Optional) Type of mouse click.

Allowable values:

  • left: Single left-click.
  • right: Single right-click.
  • double: Double left-click.

Default Value: left.
Value Setleft, right, double

(Optional) Horizontal position of effective click on tree node, specified as distance in pixels from left edge of tree node.

Default Value: horizontal center of tree node.

(Optional) Vertical position of effective click on tree node , specified as distance in pixels from top edge of tree node.

Default Value: vertical center of tree node.
This action may be used within the following project items: test modules and user-defined actions.
The following settings are applicable to this action: case sensitive, remove double quotes from cells, standard ASCII only, item wait, object wait, window wait.
This action is applicable to the following controls: tree view, tree table, tree list.
Example - Case 1: Using a text value for node path
use interface	Car Rental			
	window	tree	node path	click type
click tree node	view cars	car select tree	Car Types/Compact/Toyota Prius	left
	window	tree view	variable	
get selected tree node path	view cars	car select tree	path	
	value	expected		
check value	#path	Car Types/Compact/Toyota Prius		
Example - Case 2: Using a numerical index for node path

        	window	tree	node path	click type
click tree node	view cars	car select tree	1/4/1	left
	window	tree view	variable	
get selected tree node path	view cars	car select tree	path	
  • node path argument:
    • The node path may be specified by its display textor by a numerical index representing its cardinal placement in its branch, with index values starting at 1.
    • If a node path of more than one item must be specified, use forward slashes ( / ) as delimiters between node levels.
    • Enclose a numerical text string in quotation marks to differentiate it from a numerical index value. For example, if a text value of an item in a control has a value of 12, you should reference that item by passing 12 surrounded by quotation marks (that is, "12") instead of the numerical 12. Passing the numerical 12 is treated as a reference to an item with an index of 12, rather than an item holding a text string value of 12.
  • This action supports the <ignore> modifier. If the string <ignore> is present as the value of any of the arguments, or any argument contains an expression that evaluates to <ignore>, the action is skipped during execution.

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