on failure action

Specify the action to be invoked in the event of a check failure from any check-type action.

Name of the action to be executed upon the occurrence of an error or warning.


(Optional) Arguments to be passed to the action specified in the action argument.

This action may be used within the following project items: test modules and user-defined actions.
The following settings are applicable to this action: remove double quotes from cells.
Example - Case 1: Failure handler with no arguments
Action lines
In TestArchitect, create a user-defined action named "failure handler" with below sample script.
            	image location
capture screen	D:\Images\failure_action.jpg
Input the user-defined action "failure handler" for the "action" argument of the "on failure action" action. In this way, the script will call the "failure handler" action when the execution gets a failure.
on failure action	failure handler


start application	
Test case: TC 01, Invalid login (Access denied)
              	username	password	
login	john	54321	
	window	message	button
check message	car rental message	Invalid username or password	ok
Example - Case 2: Failure handler with arguments
Action lines
In TestArchitect, create a user-defined action named "failure handler" with below sample script.
argument	arg1
argument	arg2
report	#arg1
report	#arg2
Input the user-defined action "failure handler" for the "action" argument of the "on failure action" action. In this way, the script will call the "failure handler" action when the execution gets a failure.
          	action	arg1	arg2
on failure action	failure handler	first argument's value	second argument's value
start application			
Test case: TC 01, Invalid login (Access denied)
              	username	password	
login	john	54321	
	window	message	button
check message	car rental message	Invalid username or password	ok
  • The number of optional arguments depends on the requirements of the action specified in action.
  • This action supports the <ignore> modifier. If the string <ignore> is present as the value of any of the arguments, or any argument contains an expression that evaluates to <ignore>, the action is skipped during execution.

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