disconnect database

Close a database connection.

Name of the database connection (previously established via the connect database action).

The following settings are applicable to this action: remove double quotes from cells.
The following example illustrates the process of a test connecting to, using, and then disconnecting from a database. Use the action disconnect database once you no longer require access to the database.
                                    	variable	driver	host
create connection string	Northwind_conn_strg	SQL Server	lgdn15031-w7d01
	port	database name	username
>>>		Northwind	
	password	others	
>>>		Trusted_Connection=Yes	
	connection string	name	
connect database	#Northwind_conn_strg	Northwind_conn	
use database	Northwind_conn		
	command	result	
execute sql	select ContactName from Customers where CustomerID='ABOUT'	contactname_ds	
	name	filter	
use data set	contactname_ds		
	value	expected	
check value	#ContactName	Thomas Hardy	
repeat for data set			
disconnect database	Northwind_conn		
  • Note that it is permissible for your test to be connected to more than one database concurrently. In order to switch to using a different database, it is not necessary to disconnect from the current one.
  • This action supports the <ignore> modifier. If the string <ignore> is present as the value of the argument, or the argument contains an expression that evaluates to <ignore>, the action is skipped during execution.

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