create data set

Create an inline data set.

Name to assign to the inline data set.

This action may be used within the following project items: test modules and user-defined actions.
The following settings are applicable to this action: remove double quotes from cells.
create data set	Rented Cars			
&nbsp	rental month	model rented	pickup state	quantity rented
row	March	Prius	Colorado	1
row	June	Mustang	Nevada	3
end create data set				
use data set	Rented Cars			
report	#"Quantity " & quantity rented & " of model " & model rented & " rented in " & pickup state & " in " & rental month			
repeat for data set				
  • create data set allows your test to generate a data set from within the action lines, offering an alternative to the dedicated data set. To create an inline data set, you must pair this action with a matching end create data set action, and insert one or more row actions between the two. The row actions supply the data for the data set, just as they do for dedicated data sets, and must be accompanied by a row of headers to identify the data elements.
  • Once an inline data set is created, its scope is global, and it may be reused any number of times throughout the test with the use data set action.

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