
Set a new value or state for a specified control.

TA name of the window.

Interface EntityNone

TA name of the control.

Interface ElementNone

Value or state to which to set the control.

Allowable values:

  • For controls with binary states (check box, radio button, or switch control).
    • on: Select the control.
    • off: Clear (deselect) the control.
  • For other controls, allowable values are dependent on the nature of the control (see ). State to which to set the control.

Value Seton, off
This action may be used within the following project items: test modules and user-defined actions.
This action is applicable to the following controls: check box, date picker, input-checkbox, input-color, input-date, input-datetime, input-datetime-local, input-email, input-month, input-number, input-password, input-radio, input-range, input-search, input-text, input-tel, input-time, input-url, input-week, radio button, rating bar, search bar, slider, switch, text box, text view, calendar.
Example - Case 1: Selecting check box

        	window	control	variable
get	date and location	return at same location	s
	window	control	value
set	date and location	return at same location	on
	window	control	variable
get	date and location	return at same location	s
Example - Case 2: Assigning value to text box

        	window	control	value
set	rental information	firstname	John
set	rental information	lastname	Doe
	window	control	value
check	rental information	firstname	John
check	rental information	lastname	Doe
  • Possible values for the value argument:
    • For a text box or text view control, the value argument holds a string value to assign to that control.
    • For controls that hold a binary state, value must hold a Boolean value (e.g., on or off).
    • For a slider control on iOS, value must hold a numeric value.
    • Due to idiosyncrasies specific to the desktop web browsers (Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, and Mozilla Firefox) and Safari on iOS, the set action is used to modify several HTML controls that would otherwise normally be handled by other actions. They include the following:
      • input-date control: the input value follows the format specified by the current state of the date format built-in setting. Example: Given a date format setting of yyyy-mm-dd, the correct the input for Christmas 2014 is 2014-12-25.
      • input-datetime control: The contents of the value argument consist of a date portion followed by an optional time portion. Formatting rules of the date portion are identical to those of the date control (above). If an optional time portion is included, the following format is used:
        where the symbols have the following meanings:
        • T
          (literal "T") a required separator if the time portion is specified.
        • hh
          hour, in 24-hour format (e.g., 22 for 10pm).
        • :
          (literal colon) required separator.
        • mm
          minutes (e.g., 45).
        • ss
          seconds (e.g., 03).
        • TZD
          time zone designator (Note that Z denotes Zulu, also known as Greenwich Mean Time).
        As an example, given a date format setting of yyyy-mm-dd, 2014-12-25T23:59Z would be an acceptable value for value.
      • input-datetime-local control: The contents of the value argument again consist of a date portion followed by an optional time portion. Formatting rules of the date portion are identical to those of the date control (above). If an optional time portion is included, the following format is used:
        where the symbols have the following meanings:
        • T
          (literal "T") a required separator if the time portion is specified.
        • hh
          hour, in 24-hour format (e.g., 22 for 10pm).
        • :
          (literal colon) required separator.
        • mm
          minutes (e.g., 45).
        • ss
          seconds (e.g., 03).
        • ms
          milliseconds (e.g., 459).
        As an example, given a date format setting of yyyy-mm-dd, 2014-12-25T23:59:459 would be an acceptable value for value.
      • input-month control: the input value must specify a month and year, and follows the format:
        • yyyy
          four-digit year (e.g. 2014).
        • -
          (literal hyphen) required separator.
        • mm
          month number (e.g., 12 for December).
        Example: 2014-12.
      • input-week control: the input value must specify a week and year, and follows the format:
        • yyyy
          four-digit year (e.g. 2014).
        • -W
          (literal "-W") required separator indicating week.
        • www
          number of week (in the range of 1 to 52 or 53, depending on the particular year).
        Example: 2014-W51
      • input-time control: the input value follows the format:
        • hh
          hour, in 24-hour format (e.g., 22 for 10pm).
        • :
          (literal colon) required separator.
        • mm
          minutes (e.g., 45).
        • ss
          (optional) seconds (e.g., 03).
        • .
          (literal dot.) required separator if milliseconds is provided.
        • ms
          (optional) milliseconds (e.g., 459).
        Examples: 09:55:32.55, 22:15:35, 16:00
      • input-range of time for SAP calendar control: the input value follows the format:
        • yyyy
          four-digit year (e.g. 2014).
        • -
          (literal hyphen) required separator.
        • mm
          month number (e.g., 12 for December).
        • -
          (literal hyphen) required separator.
        • dd
          day number (e.g., 12).
        Examples: 2020-12-25,2020-12-30
  • The set action can serve as a suitable alternative to enter in some special cases on web platforms, in which enter may trigger an unexpected or undesired event (examples of which are the Safari data and time controls, discussed above). Unlike enter, set avoids the triggering of events.
  • This action supports the <ignore> modifier. If the string <ignore> is present as the value of any of the arguments, or any argument contains an expression that evaluates to <ignore>, the action is skipped during execution.

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