
Navigate to a specified web page, optionally launching a browser or a new browser window.

URL to navigate to.

Allowable values:

  • web addresses (http:// or https:// protocols)
  • files (file:// protocol)


(Optional) Browser window that the action is to run upon.

Interface EntityNone

(Optional) Variable to hold the returned handler number of the browser window.

The handler number of the browser window.
This action may be used within the following project items: test modules and user-defined actions.
Example - Case 1: Navigate to a web site

        	setting	value	
setting	use browser	Firefox	
	location	window	handle
navigate	home page	
Example - Case 2: Open an HTML file on a local drive
Suppose you want to open the HTML file C:/Program Files/LogiGear/TestArchitect/samples/ScrumBoard/index.html in a running web browser window. Since the URL to the local HTML file contains a white space, that is inside Program Files, it is essential to replace the white space with %20. The value for location should therefore be file:///C:/Program%20Files/LogiGear/TestArchitect/samples/ScrumBoard/index.html file://///lgvn10003.
        	setting	value	
setting	use browser	Firefox	
	location	window	handle
navigate	file:///C:/Program%20Files/LogiGear/TestArchitect/samples/ScrumBoard/index.html	web	
  • window argument:
    • If the window argument is omitted, the specified web page is opened in a new instance of a web browser. The web browser to be invoked is determined by the current value of TestArchitect’s built-in use browser setting.
    • If window is specified, it defines the browser window upon which the action is to operate. The setting of use browser in that case does not apply.
  • In order to open an HTML file on a local or network drive, specify the file protocol for the location argument as follows: file:///sDrives/sFile, where:
    • sDrives: The local or network drive.
    • sFile: Filepath of HTML file to open.
  • To specify a remote host, use five slashes: file://///hostname/sFile.
  • Warning: 
    In instances where the window argument has a value, your URL cannot contain white spaces. Replace any white space with %20.
  • When Chrome on Android has multiple tabs open, navigate needs to traverse through those tabs to check for the already-navigated site. Activating each tab can typically take around two seconds. Consequently, the time consumed by navigate when many tabs are open can be significant.
  • You can have this action open the specified URL within a specific mobile device emulator, allowing you to test webpages and applications in emulation mode for the given device. Do this by means of the send command to browser built-in action, which must be set after execution of the navigate (Learn more).
  • This action supports the <ignore> modifier. If the string <ignore> is present as the value of any of the arguments, or any argument contains an expression that evaluates to <ignore>, the action is skipped during execution.

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