enter value in popup

Write text in a field in a popup, and click OK.

This action is dedicated to Generic WebDriver.


The input text.


Maximum time (in seconds) to wait for a value to be input in the popup.

Default Value: 3
This action may be used within the following project items: test modules and user-defined actions.
You are testing the subscription feature of a news page.
  1. When you click the Subscribe button in the page, a popup appears so that you can enter your email address.
  2. The test enters an email address, e.g. [email protected], in the popup.
                                    	window	control	click type
click	news	subscribe	left
	value	timeout	
enter value in popup	[email protected]	3	
  • The enter value in popup action includes the click popup action. That means upon inputting a value in a popup, TestArchitect will automatically click OK in the popup to close it. You do not need to explicitly call the click popup action following the enter value in popup action.

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