Configuring the ODBC Driver on macOS to connect to Microsoft SQL Server

Explain additional configurations on macOS to connect to Microsoft SQL Server.

To set up macOS machines to connect to Microsoft SQL Server, do the following:

  1. On your macOS machine, install Homebrew.

    Homebrew is a package manager for macOS.

  2. Install the ODBC driver, which is FreeTDS.

    FreeTDS is a set of libraries that allows your programs to natively talk to Microsoft SQL Server.

    • On macOS 10.11, 10.10: At a Terminal prompt, execute the following command.

      brew install freetds --with-libiodbc
  3. Modify your odbcinst.ini file, located at /Users/test/Library/ODBC/, by adding the following line.

    [SQL Server]
    Driver = /usr/local/Cellar/freetds/1.00.21/lib/

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