check toast message
Check the toast message on a mobile device against an expected string value. Result is Passed ifthe values match within a specified timeout period; otherwise Failed.
Expected contents of the mobile toast message.
Maximum time to wait for a toast message to appear (units: milliseconds; default = 3000).
Valid contexts
This action may be used within the following project items: test modules and user-defined actions.
Applicable Systems/Platforms
Use of this action is supported on the following systems/platforms: Android.
The message argument can accept regular expressions. Note that argument values that include regular expressions must be entirely enclosed in curly braces {}. As an example,
specifies the pattern for an acceptable email address. More simply,.*
represents the general wildcard for regular expressions, so that{.*arch.*}
matches starch, marching, testarchitect, etc.This action supports the <ignore> modifier. If the string
is present as the value of any of the arguments, or any argument contains an expression that evaluates to<ignore>
, the action is skipped during execution.
Applicable Built-In Settings
The following settings are applicable to this action: case sensitive, remove double quotes from cells, standard ASCII only.
Let’s say you are testing an application on a mobile device. After you tap to select a given check box, a toast message appears in a small popup. You want to verify the content of the text message.
Action Lines
LogiGear Corporation

+1 (650) 572-1400
[email protected]