TestArchitect editions

TestArchitect Team, and TestArchitect Enterprise editions of TestArchitect offer a range of capabilities tailored to meet the needs of your organization.

TestArchitect supports two different editions: TestArchitect Team or TestArchitect Enterprise.

The following table compares the detailed differences among TestArchitect editions: TestArchitect Team and TestArchitect Enterprise.
Table 1. TestArchitect editions

 TestArchitect TeamTestArchitect Enterprise
TestArchitect featuresUnlimitedUnlimited
Number of simultaneously-connected repository servers2Unlimited
Number of created test cases/test modules100Unlimited
Number of floating licenses2Pay-per-request
Execution time50 hoursUnlimited
Support channelsForumPhone, portal, email, hotfixes

Universal licenses include both TestArchitect Team and TestArchitect Enterprise editions.

All the above editions of TestArchitect include both the TestArchitect Client and TestArchitect Controller software (for developing and executing tests, respectively). In addition, it is also possible to purchase separate Agent licenses, which apply to the TestArchitect Controller software and allow strictly for the execution of tests on a given machine.

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