Lesson #9: Creating Dashboard panels

The following set of activities will guide you in creating and editing data-reporting panels in the Dashboard, to allow you to display the types of data you need, in the forms that you need.

Audience: Testers, Automation engineers, Administrators.

Time: Duration: 60 Minutes


  • Basic understanding of the TestArchitect Dashboard and its purpose.
  • Essential understanding of TestArchitect repositories, projects, and tests

What you will learn:

  • How to start up and log on to the Dashboard.
  • How to create a data profile.
  • How to create a Dashboard panel, for displaying data about your project in the form of a chart, report, indicator or heat map.
  • How to modify both data profiles and panels, to ensure that the right data is displayed in the right way.
  • How to access and work with predefined data profiles and panel templates.
  • How to create a Dashboard page, to help organize and group your panels.

Launching DashboardTutorial: Launching Dashboard
In this activity you will run through the steps required for opening a Dashboard portal into your project.

Creating a data profileTutorial: Creating a data profile
In this activity, you will create a data profile.

Creating a chartTutorial: Creating a chart
In this activity, you will create a chart that displays the relative amounts of groups of data, and view drill down reports that allow you to see the detailed records underlying the chart.

Filtering dataTutorial: Filtering data
In this activity, you will restrict the items of data being used for a panel to those which matches a set of criteria that you define.

Creating a line chartTutorial: Creating a line chart
In this activity, you will create a line chart to highlight changes in test outcomes over time.

Creating a stacked bar chartTutorial: Creating a stacked bar chart
In this activity, you will create a stacked bar chart, which is useful for visualizing changes in relative amounts of some quantities over a given range.

Creating a heat mapTutorial: Creating a heat map
In this activity, you will create a heat map, which is a matrix in which the color, or shade, of each cell is used to represent a certain quantitative and/or qualitative value.

Summary: What you have learned

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