TestArchitect Tutorial
Part 3: Extending TestArchitect
Lesson #11: Creating Excel reports using TAUtilities
Creating a summary report in Excel 
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Registering the TAUtilities library
To allow a COM application to use the shared TAUtilities.dll file. you must register the DLL file.
To register TAUtilities.dll, do the following:
Type the line regsvr32 “TA_INSTALL_DIR\lib\TAUtilities.dll” /i into a command prompt.
TA_INSTALL_DIR is the location where you installed TestArchitect. Typically, it will be something like C:\Program Files
Press Enter on your keyboard.
TAUtilities.dll is now registered.
After registration, a message appears informing you the file has been placed in the Windows Registry.
For Java applications needing to access the APIs, instead of registering TAUtilities.dll, you must configure your Java project’s build path to include the following libraries:- TAUtilities: TA_INSTALL_DIR\lib\com.logigear.testarchitect.utilities.jar
- Logback Classic module: TA_INSTALL_DIR\lib\vendor\logback-classic-1.1.7.jar
- Logback Core module: TA_INSTALL_DIR\lib\vendor\logback-core-1.1.7.jar
- SLF4J API module: TA_INSTALL_DIR\lib\vendor\slf4j-api-1.7.21.jar