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Unable to Open Chrome Browser
After upgrading Chrome. TestArchitect cannot open Chrome.
So that it may be upgraded anytime a new version is release, the auto-upgrade function of Chrome browser is enabled by default.. This can cause version of WebDriver to be incompatible with the upgraded version of Chrome browser.
Turn off the auto-upgrade function of Chrome browser to avoid this problem in the future .Solution:
Manually upgrade the WebDriver installation on your machine by following these steps:
Download the latest or the corresponding version of WebDriver here.
Unzip the downloaded package.
Copy and Paste the .exe file to the following location:
Run your script again to see the result.
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- Action-based testing language
- Microsoft UI Automation
- Application testing
- Diagnosing and resolving automation errors
- Invalid value for argument <argumentName>. Indexes must start from 1.
- TestArchitect Register Server
- TestArchitect does not support this action for the <typeName> control. Please use another applicable action.
- TestArchitect does not support action <actionName> for the <typeName> control since its native class has been mapped to an inappropriate class. Please remap its native class to another class, and then try again
- Unable to connect to device <logicalName>. Please check to ensure that the device is connected to the test controller machine.
- Could not detect your <logicalName> device. Either it is currently locked or the re-signed app is inactive.
- Please add action 'use interface' to specify the interface in use.
- No window found matching <windowName> within the timeout of <value> seconds. Please check the interface definition for <windowName>, or set a longer timeout with the 'window wait' setting.
- No window found matching <windowName>, defined by <windowDefinition>, within the timeout of <value> seconds. Please check the interface definition for <windowName>, or set a longer timeout with the 'window wait' setting.
- The specifications for interface entity <windowName> match <number> open windows. Please check the specifications, or use the 'identify windows' built-in action to assign a unique physical ID to the desired window.
- The specifications for interface entity <windowName>, defined by <windowDefinition>, match <number> open windows. Please check the specifications, or use the 'identify windows' built-in action to assign a unique physical ID to the desired window.
- The argument <argumentName> cannot be empty. Please input valid data.
- A control argument cannot be specified without a window argument. Please input valid data.
- Argument header(s) <headerName> is invalid. Please look up or retype the action to determine the correct header name(s).
- There is more than one matching UI object for <controlName>. Please check the interface definition for <windowName>
- There is more than one matching UI object for <controlName>, defined by <controlDefinition>. Please check the interface definition for <windowName>.
- No matching UI object found for <controlName> within the timeout of <value> seconds. Please check the interface definition for <controlName>, or set a longer timeout with the 'object wait' setting.
- No matching UI object found for <controlName>, defined by <controlDefinition>, within the timeout of <value> seconds. Please check the interface definition for <controlName>, or set a longer timeout with the object wait setting.
- Interface element <controlName> was not defined in interface entity <windowName>. Please define the interface element.
- The argument <argumentName> cannot be empty. Please input valid data.
- UI Automation is only supported on Microsoft .NET framework 4.0 or higher. Install Microsoft .NET framework 4.0 or higher to use this feature.
- Unable to perform Click table cell action on iOS 15 - iPhone device.
- Unable to perform navigate action on Firefox 100.
- Argument header(s) <headerName> is invalid. Please look up or retype the action to determine the correct header name(s).
- Chrome was not configured in the correct manner. Please refer to web testing section in TestArchitect Docs to learn how to reconfigure Chrome for testing.
- Invalid interface element: <controlName>. An interface element cannot be identified by both its 'xpath' and other properties.
- The <propertyName> property is deprecated and not supported in <platformName>. Please ensure that your UI controls are not identified by the <propertyName> property, and then try again.
- The device ID <deviceID> is not connected. Connect the device with the ID <deviceID> or update the unique ID.
- The <actionName> action is not supported on the <operatingSystemName> platform. Please use another applicable action.
- TestArchitect is unable to retrieve clipboard.
- No settings ('title', 'doc title' or 'handle', etc.) defined for interface entity <windowName>. Please check if the correct interface is currently in use, or define the interface entity.
- TestArchitect is unable to find the specified column header. Please check that the column header <index> in the <controlName> control, which resides in the <windowName> window, exists.
- TestArchitect is unable to find the specified column header. Please check that the column header <headerName> in the <controlName> control, which resides in the <windowName> window, exists.
- Item index <index> out of range.
- Row or column index is out of range. Note that valid indexes must start from 1.
- TestArchitect is unable to locate the header at index position <index>. The index value is out of range.
- TestArchitect is unable to locate the header at index position <index>. The index value is out of range.
- Column is out of range.
- TestArchitect is unable to find the specified column header. Please check the that column header at position <headerPosition> in the <controlName> control, which resides in the <windowName> window, exists.
- Invalid input value of 'index'. Index value must be a number greater than 0.
- TestArchitect is unable to identify the specified menu item. Please check that the <itemName> menu item in the <controlName> control, which resides in the <windowName> window, exists.
- TestArchitect is unable to identify the specified menu item. Please check that the <itemName> menu item, which resides in the <windowName> window, exists.
- The argument <argumentName> cannot be empty. Please input valid data.
- The argument 'value' cannot be empty. Please input a number in the range of 0 to 100.
- The <propertyName> property of the <TAClass> class in the <controlName> control does not exist. Please specify another property, or check if the previous action line was executed successfully.
- TestArchitect is unable to retrieve tooltip of the <controlName> control, which resides in the <windowName> window, at <X- Coordinate, Y-Coordinate>.
- TestArchitect is unable to find the specified item. Please check the <itemName> item in the <controlName> control, which resides in the <windowName> window, exists.
- TestArchitect is unable to find the specified item. Please check the <itemName> item in the <controlName> control, which resides in the <windowName> window, exists.
- TestArchitect is unable to locate the cell at row <rowLocation> / column <columnLocation>. One or both values are out of range.
- Invalid value for argument <argumentNalue>. Please input valid data.
- The number of specified variables exceeds the number of actual popups.
- Argument header <headerName> is either missing or in incorrect column. Please look up or retype the action to determine the correct position.
- Argument header <headerName> is invalid. Please look up or retype the action to determine the correct header name(s).
- Invalid value for argument <argumentName>. Valid input data must conform to the default format <value>, or the format specified by the 'date format' built-in setting.
- Invalid value for argument <argumentName>. Valid input data is a Boolean value, e.g. on/off.
- Invalid value for argument 'value'. Please input a number in the range of 0 to 100.
- The argument 'baseline' cannot be empty. Please input valid data.
- "Invalid data. The value of 'picture' argument cannot contain 'high ASCII' characters or any of the following character:\\/:*?\"<>|#=[];%."
- There are not enough arguments for this action. Please look up or retype the action to determine the correct number of argument(s).
- TestArchitect is unable to retrieve the <itemValue> item text in the <controlName> control, which resides in the <windowName> window.
- TestArchitect could not detect the specified popup.
- TestArchitect could not detect the specified prompt popup.
- Message <messageText> does not exist. TestArchitect could not detect the message.
- Message <messageText> does not exist on any prompt popup. TestArchitect could not detect the message.
- The action <actionName> is not supported on current platform.
- Invalid value for argument <argumentName>. The value must be a positive integer starting from 1.
- TestArchitect is unable to run action <actionName> since focus could not be placed on the <controlName> control of type <controlType>. Please manually check whether the control accepts focus.
- TestArchitect is unable to find the specified tree node. Please check that the <path> tree node in the <controlName> control, which resides in the <windowName> window, exists.
- TestArchitect is unable to retrieve status of the <path> tree node in the <controlName> control, which resides in the <windowName> window.
- The <windowName> window did not disappear within the timeout of <value> seconds. Please adjust the timeout value.
- TestArchitect is unable to set the <newValue> value for the given control. Please check if the <controlName> control, which resides in the <windowName> window, is disabled.
- TestArchitect is unable to click the <controlName> from the given control. Please check if the <controlName>, which resides in the <windowName>, is disabled.
- TestArchitect is unable to select any items from the given control. Please check if the <controlName> control, which resides in the <windowName> window, is disabled.
- Unable to delete cookies. Please close all processes of the test browser and try again.
- Some elements do not meet the requirements for obtaining the encrypted password. The value of 'value' argument that you entered was used as an actual unencrypted password.
- TestArchitect is unable to set the <newValue> value for the given control. Please check the <controlName> control, which resides in the <windowName> window, is editable.
- TestArchitect is unable to set focus on the <controlName> control of type <TAClass>, which resides in the <windowName> window. Please manually check whether the control accepts focus.
- Variable names must not start with a number, please choose a different one.
- No item selected No item is selected in the <controlName> control, which resides in the <windowName> window.
- TestArchitect is unable to retrieve text in the status bar, which resides in the <windowName> window.
- TestArchitect is unable to retrieve double-click time of the system.
- TestArchitect is unable to find the specified baseline picture. Please check the baseline picture <pictureName> exists.
- TestArchitect is unable to find the specified menu item. Please check that the <itemValue> menu item in the <controlName> control, which resides in the <windowName> window, exists.
- TestArchitect is unable to find the specified menu item. Please check that the <itemValue> menu item, which resides in the <windowName> window, exists.
- TestArchitect is unable to retrieve state of the <path> tree node in the <controlName> control, which resides in the <windowName> window.
- Action <actionName> only supports testing on web browsers. Please use another applicable action.
- This setting does not support the <browserType> browser. Please use the 'use browser' setting to set Chrome as the default browser.
- The <controlName> list, which resides in the <windowName> window, is empty. TestArchitect is unable to select any items in the list.
- TestArchitect is unable to select multiple items on a single-selection control <controlName>, which resides in the <windowName> window. Please ensure that only a single item is selected on the control.
- TestArchitect is unable to select the <itemValue> item(s) in the <controlName> control, which resides in the <windowName> window.
- TestArchitect is unable to select the specified items in the <controlName> control, which resides in the <windowName> window, since the control does not enable item selection.
- Selecting by index is not supported on this spin box type.
- TestArchitect is unable to deselect all items in the <controlName> control, which resides in the <windowName> window.
- TestArchitect is unable to find the specified control. Please check that the <controlName> control, which resides in the <windowName> window, exists.
- TestArchitect is unable to retrieve status of the <itemName> item in the <controlName> control, which resides in the <windowName> window.
- TestArchitect is unable to select the specified item. Please check the <itemName> item in the <controlName> control, which resides in the <windowName> window, is not disabled.
- TestArchitect is unable to select the <itemName> item in the <controlName> control, which resides in the <windowName> window.
- This action only supports testing on Chrome browser.
- Invalid value for argument <argumentName>. Valid input data is an integer in the range of <minNumber> to <maxNumber>
- Invalid value for argument <argumentName>. Valid input data is an integer starting from 0.
- The <controlName> control, which resides in the <windowName>, continued to exist after the timeout of <value> seconds. Please adjust the timeout value.
- TestArchitect is unable to set the <newValue> value for the cell at row <rowLocation> / column <columnLocation>.
- Invalid input value of row, column argument. Valid input should be a number greater than 0.
- TestArchitect could not identify any <form> containing the given control.
- TestArchitect is unable to find the specified picture. Please check that the <pictureName> picture is available in the baseline.
- The argument 'picture' cannot be empty. Please input valid data.
- The value for argument <argumentName> might be invalid or out of range. It must be a positive integer starting from 1 or an existing column header name.
- No HTTP request found. Please declare a 'create http request' built-in action to instantiate a new HTTP request before using this action.
- The expected status code <codeID> does not match with the returned code <codeID>.
- Unexpected error has occurred. Error Detail: <Exceptions caught by RestAssured>
- TestArchitect currently supports running tests only on a single cloud-based device at a time. Support for parallel execution or multi-station execution will be introduced in the coming releases of TestArchitect.
- Unable to obtain session ID of the currently connected device.
- Unable to disconnect the device.
- The device is currently in use.
- Unable to find the cloud device, as specified by its session ID.
- The device is already connected.
- Could not detect your <logicalDeviceName> device because it is not assigned yet.
- The specified capability is not a valid JSON. Please ensure that the valid JSON format is provided.
- The URL Appium server is invalid. Please input a valid URL.
- The argument 'tick' cannot be empty. The tick count number must be larger than 0.
- TestArchitect is unable to expand the <path> tree node in the <controlName> control, which resides in the <windowName> window.
- Syntax error in entity dynamic identifiers
- Syntax error in element dynamic identifiers
- 'Navigate' fails to open additional tabs with WebDriver on Edge
- Navigate fails to open additional tabs with WebDriver on Internet Explorer
- Cannot “go back/ go forward” on Internet Explorer 11
- Cannot found specific control on Internet Explorer
- Cannot matching control on action with multi iframe in Internet Explorer
- Action Check Window Exists runs incorrectly on Internet Explorer
- Using Start-up setting for configure Cleanup key
- Configure Internet Explorer before running test with GWD mode
- TestArchitect cannot navigate new to URL when using setting target browser instance in Edge
- TestArchitect cannot navigate with WebDriver mode in Firefox 70 and Geckodriver v0.26.0
- Unable to Open Chrome Browser
- Action-based testing language