Uninstalling TestArchitect Agent

This feature is on-demand support

If you no longer have a need to have TestArchitect Agent present in a given device, you can uninstall it.

To uninstall the TestArchitect Agent:

  1. With your physical Android device connected via USB cable, or emulator up and running, launch the Android Instrumentation Tooldialog box.

    You should see a green icon representing your device in the Devices panel in the Android Instrumentation Applications dialog box.

  2. Right-click the icon and select Uninstall TestArchitect Automation Agent.

    Fastpath: Alternatively, click the button Uninstall TestArchitect Automation Agent on selected device , on the toolbar.

    Upon successful uninstallation, the device icon, formerly green, becomes grey. This indicates that the TestArchitect Agent application is now removed from your device.

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