Configuring Android testing on target devices
Android developers have the option of hosting and testing their applications either on physical mobile devices (phones and tablets) or virtual devices (emulators) residing on a host PC.Accordingly, TestArchitect can test applications residing in either environment. For purposes of test automation, the term target device refers to both physical and virtual devices.
TestArchitect running on the host PC communicates with the physical device by either USB cable or Wi-Fi. When both USB cable and Wi-Fi connections are present, TestArchitect gives precedence to the Wi-Fi connection. When TestArchitect launches an application for testing, it ascertains the state of connectivity to the physical device. If the Wi-Fi connection is good, TestArchitect uses that as the communication channel. If the Wi-Fi connection is poor, the USB cable is used.
Basic configuration for Android automation
This section describes the essential configurations needed to ensure that automated tests on Android devices run successfully and stably.
Setting up a physical Android device via USB cable
The process of setting up a physical device via USB cable connection.
Setting up a physical Android device via Wi-Fi
The process of setting up a physical device via Wi-Fi connection is discussed.
Setting up an Android emulator
TestArchitect can test applications on Android emulators on the host PC.

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