User Guide
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Help system extensibility ![]()
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Configuring user-defined help
To make use of Help-system extensibility for custom actions, you must modify the mapping file user_defined_help.ini, along with the corresponding commands.
By default, the file user_defined_help.ini is installed to the following directory when TestArchitect is installed:
- Windows: C:/Users/Public/LogiGear/TestArchitect
- Linux:/usr/local/logigear/testarchitect/data
- macOS: /Applications/TestArchitect/data
During installation, the location of user_defined_help.ini can be modified in the TestArchitect Installation dialog box. Following installation, the location can also be modified using TestArchitect Preferences.![](../../../../../../images/TA_Help/Images/installer_1.png)
The mapping file contains pairs of custom actions and their corresponding commands. The command for each custom action varies based on your operating system. The command conventions are as follows:
- Windows:
<custom_action> = start + <absolute _path_to_HTML_page>
. For example:- check login = start D:\data_folder\check_login.html
- Linux:
<custom_action> = xdg-open + <absolute _path_to_HTML_page>
. For example:- check login[Linux] = xdg-open /usr/data_folder/check_login.html
- macOS:
<custom_action> = open + <absolute _path_to_HTML_page>
. For example:- check login[MAC] = open /Users/John.Doe/Desktop/data_folder/check_login.html
- In user_defined_help.ini, the pound sign (#) is used for commenting-out purposes.
- To include whitespace characters on Linux or macOS, place a backslash (\) before each whitespace. For example:
- check login[Linux] = xdg-open /usr/data\ folder/check\ login.html
- TestArchitect also supports both standard quotation marks and single quotation marks for path locations. For example:
- check login[MAC] = open “/Users/John.Doe/Desktop/data_folder/check_login.html”
- check login[MAC] = open ‘/Users/John.Doe/Desktop/data_folder/check_login.html’