Supported platforms

TestArchitect provides support for testing a variety of applications created using various languages.

Below is a list of major software platforms and application types supported by TestArchitect:

Since 8.5u1, TestArchitect no longer supports 32-bit platforms

  • Windows Server 2016
  • Windows 10
  • Windows Server 2019 (WPF, MFC).
LinuxRed Hat 7.2
Azure DevOpsIntegrate TestArchitect with Azure DevOps
Team Foundation Sever-Microsoft Test Manager integration
  • Visual Studio Team Services: Support for test execution using MTM 2015, Test Agent and Test Controller 2013 Update 5 (similar to on-premise VS 2015)
  • Support for both XAML and TFBuild build definitions.
  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 Update 2, 2017 Update 1
    • Enterprise and Professional editions
    • TFS 2017 Update 2/Update 1, MTM 2015, Test Agent and Test Controller 2013 Update 5/2017
    • TFS 2018
  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2015, 2015 Update 1:
    • Enterprise, Professional and Test Professional editions
    • TFS 2015 (on-premises), MTM 2015, Test Agent and Test Controller 2013 Update 5
Web browsers
  • Windows:
    • Microsoft Edge 44.18362.449.0, 42.17134.1.0
    • Internet Explorer 11
    • Microsoft Edge Chromium:
      • Version 91 (Msedgedriver 91.0.864.48)
      • Version 92 (Msedgedriver 92.0.902.55)
    • Google Chrome:
      • Version 91 (Chromedriver 91.0.4472.101)
      • Version 92 (Chromedriver 92.0.4515.43)
        The Chrome version should be corresponding with the ChromeDriver version. Check the version here.
    • Mozilla Firefox 89, 90
  • Linux:
    • Red Hat 7.2: Firefox 78 Extended Support Release ESR
      Note that, you are required to install Firefox from the package manager. For details, please refer to the documentation of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux version you are using.
  • Chrome 86 running on Android versions 8.0, 9.0
  • Safari running on the following iOS versions:
    • iOS 11.4
  • Xcode 9.4
Cloud testing
  • Windows: Appium version 1.7.2
  • macOS: Appium version 1.7.2
.NET4.5.1, 4.5
Java8, 7
Web service testing
  • RESTful (Representational State Transfer architecture)
  • SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) over HTTP-based web services
Oracle Forms
  • Oracle Forms 11gR2
  • Oracle Forms 10gR2
Testing with databases
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2012
  • MySQL 5.6.20
  • Microsoft Excel 2007, 2010, and 2013
  • Oracle Database:
    • Oracle Database Enterprise Edition
      • 12c Release 2
      • 11g Release 2
      • 19c Cloud
    • Oracle Database Express Edition
      • 11g Release 2
  • SAP Client: 7.5, 7.6 Patch 4
  • SAP Server: 7.0.1

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