Automation Guide
Application testing
Testing web and RIA applications
Testing Silverlight applications ![]()
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Supported Silverlight technologies
Silverlight applications are rich internet applications (RIAs) which are executed in web browsers. In-browser mode is the most common way to use them.
Microsoft ceased development of Silverlight. However, Silverlight continues working in TestArchitect.Supported Silverlight runtime versions
You must have Silverlight version 5 installed on the TestArchitect test machine. You can download it from
Supported Silverlight application types and modes
- In-browser applications
- Out-of-browser applications, that is, Silverlight applications deployed on a local computer. (Refer to Testing out-of-browser applications for details.)
- HTTPS protocol communication
- Windowless mode (in which a Silverlight plug-in’s content is displayed directly by the browser window, rather than in a separate rendering window).
- TestArchitect can test only Silverlight applications that are compiled and packed into an application package (.xap file) from which a wrapper web page can load the applications. Note that TestArchitect does not currently support Silverlight applications that are loaded by wrapper web pages directly from *.xaml files containing the applications’ source code.
- If HTTPS protocol communication is employed, you must first install a TestArchitect Certificate Authority.
Supported web browsers
The tested Silverlight applications must run in the following browsers:
Internet Explorer version 10 or 11, including Silverlight 5 applications running in both 32 and 64-bit versions of Internet Explorer.
Remember:It is highly recommend that you clear the browser cache and set the page’s zoom ratio to 100% before testing. Refer to Preparing a web browser for more information.
Supported desktop operating systems
- Windows 7, 32 and 64-bit versions.