What's new in TestArchitect for Windows
The following new features and improvements are introduced in TestArchitect version 8.1 update 3 running under Windows.
- Before upgrading to the latest version of TestArchitect, it is strongly recommended that you back up all repositories.
- A TestArchitect client and any repository server to which it connects must be of the same version.
TestArchitect Automation
Web automation on Google Chrome now utilizes Google’s Remote Debugging technical approach. Google is phasing out support for NPAPI , the technology previously employed by TestArchitect to automate web applications on Chrome.
All HTML input types are fully supported on web browsers including Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, and Google Chrome.
- New input types of the <input> element are supported as unique TA classes:
- <input-color>
- <input-date>
- <input-datetime>
- <input-datetime-local>
- <input-email>
- <input-month>
- <input-number>
- <input-range>
- <input-search>
- <input-tel>
- <input-time>
- <input-url>
- <input-week>
- New input types of the <input> element are supported as unique TA classes:
Enhancements to existing features
Each HTML <input> type control is now mapped directly into a unique TA class. (Note: In earlier versions of TestArchitect, this only applied to pre-HTML5 <input> type controls: that is, <input-button>, <input-password>, <input-text>, <input-submit>, <input-checkbox> and <input-radio> were mapped to distinct TA classes; all others were mapped into the general input-text TA class.)
If you captured HTML5 <input> type controls in a previous version of TestArchitect, your TA class mappings of those controls are no longer recognized by the current version in its default mode. You have two options:
Recommended: Recapture the controls so that they are mapped into their appropriate TA classes. (For example, remapping an <input-color> control will change its TA class mapping from the legacy input-text class to the new input-color class.)
Leave your legacy mappings intact and set the ignore html input types built-in setting to yes in all tests that interface with HTML5 <input> type controls.
Note:ignore html input types built-in setting: Determines whether, during the test execution, the TA classes of legacy-captured HTML <input> type controls are taken into consideration.
enter built-in action is now applicable to these additional HTML <input> type controls:
- <input-datetime>
- <input-email>
- <input-number>
- <input-search>
- <input-tel>
- <input-url>
set built-in action is now applicable to these additional HTML <input> type controls.
- All <input> type controls supported by enter built-in action
- plus:
- <input-color>
- <input-date>
- <input-datetime-local>
- <input-month>
- <input-range>
- <input-time>
- <input-week>