User Guide
Integration with third-party tools
Team Foundation Server integration
Setting up the integration environment for on-premises Team Foundation Server
Installing and configuring Microsoft components for on-premises Team Foundation Server
Automating a test case in Microsoft Test Manager ![]()
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Creating TFS test suites and test cases
TFS creates a test ID each time you add a new test case to a test suite. This ID is required when mapping TFS test cases to test methods.
To create TFS test suites and add test cases:
Run MTM and connect it to the team project from TFS where your project resides.
- Visual Studio 2017, 2015 (learn more).
- Visual Studio 2013.
In the MTM Testing Center, create test suites and add test cases.
- Visual Studio 2017, 2015 (learn more).
- Visual Studio 2013.
An MTM window appears displaying all created test cases:
Make note of TFS test case IDs that you want to map with your test methods or TestArchitect test cases.