TestArchitect Tutorial
Part 3: Extending TestArchitect
Lesson #10: WPF Extensibility
Technical reference 
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This section describes workflow activities of the WPF Extensibility.
- Loading Extensions, Handlers and Methods:
- ExtensionLoader loads all Extensions (*.DLL) in the specified location.
- For each Extension, HandlerManager manages all the handlers of the extension.
- For each Handler, MethodsStorage:
- gets all methods of the extension,
- stores methods in methodCache, and
- classifies (mapping) type of a request with list of methods. When executing a request, MethodsStorage chooses the best method with the highest support level in this list to execute.
- Executing a request:
- MessageHandler receives a request from TAPM and processes that request. Particularly, MessageHandler:
- creates a request,
- based on the request, get Method or list of Methods classified when loading extensions,
- looks for the method with the highest support level, and
- executes this request in its Handler.
- MessageHandler receives a request from TAPM and processes that request. Particularly, MessageHandler: