Automation Guide
Application testing
Testing web and RIA applications
Testing web applications
Automated web testing with WebDriver ![]()
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Getting Started
TestArchitect currently provides partial support for Generic WebDriver. Built-in actions and settings can only work on the platforms and browsers listed in this topic.![](../../../../../../images/TA_Automation/Images/WebDriver_basic_structure_of_test.png)
A WebDriver test often starts with:
- setting [webdriver mode] [on]: to activate the WebDriver mode.
- navigate: to go to the test web page.
To run a test with WebDriver, you have little choice other than to go to the test page using navigate.— o0o —
To execute tests with WebDriver, it is required to configure WebDriver server & client.
Providing that you use Safari, configure it to enable WebDriver support. (Learn more)Setting an environment
You can set up an environment using the configure webdriver built-in action.
When you navigate to a page, you have three options: opening the page on a new tab, a new window or the current tab. target browser instance