Enabling the unique name property

This task describes the way in which you can enable the name property supplied by the Oracle Applications server before using TestArchitect to test Oracle Forms.

Applies to TestArchitect 8.3 Update 5 and higher.

Your Oracle server administrator can assist you in enabling the unique name property.

Set up the following system profile option at (your) user level to enable the name property:

You are required to perform the same following steps for every account which uses TestArchitect to test Oracle Forms.

  1. Log in to your Oracle application and select System Administrator responsibility.

  2. Select System Administrator > Profile > System.

  3. In the Find System Profile Values dialog box:

    1. Select the Site and User check boxes.

    2. Confirm that Site and Users contains your user login.

    3. In the Profile box, enter %ICX%Launch%.

    4. Click Find.

  4. Copy the value from the Site box of the ICX: Forms Launcher profile, and paste it in the User box.

  5. In the User box, add play=&record=names to the end of the URL.

  6. Save your transaction.

  7. Log in again using your user name.

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