Linking a variation to a version
After creating different types of mobile platforms, you need to link your interfaces/actions to the mobile platforms.
In TestArchitect explorer tree, right-click a user-defined action or an interface entity for which you want to create a variation, and then select Copy.
Variations are used to execute automated tests across platforms.
For example, if you have a user-defined action called start application that is used to launch an application under test on your mobile device, it is suggested that you create variations of the start application action for each of the Android and iOS platforms.
Right-click the Actions node in the TestArchitect explorer tree, and select Paste as Variation.
In the Create Variation dialog box, select the Links to version node check box.
From the Select system drop-down list, select OS.
Select iOS to link this variation to the iOS platform.
Click OK.
The new variation for the iOS platform appears as a node in the TestArchitect explorer tree.
Repeat steps #1 through #6 to link a variation of the start application action to the Android platform.
The variations for the Android and iOS platforms appear as nodes in the TestArchitect explorer tree.