Automation Guide
Action-based testing language
TestArchitect Automation Classes
Engine class methods 
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integer DiagnosticCode ()
Retrieve the code of the most recent diagnostic.
There are no parameters for this function.
Return Value
The function returns the most recent diagnostic code.
A diagnostic in the engine consists of the following elements:
- diagnostic code indicating the kind of problem ( DiagnosticCode, use DiagnosticMessage to translate the code into a message )
- diagnostic details, specifying more information on the problem ( DiagnosticDetails )
- diagnostic trace, an indication of the place where the problem was detected ( DiagnosticTrace )
This list shows the currently defined diagnostic codes. The description can be retrieved with the DiagnosticMessage function.
- 01 Error in argument of action
- 02 Invalid variable assignment
- 03 Can’t perform check because of garbled value(s)
- 04 Couldn’t create/open file for writing
- 05 Not able to create interface data file
- 06 Couldn’t create report
- 07 No database
- 08 Error in expression
- 09 Couldn’t perform file operation
- 10 Operation on an unopened file
- 11 Identifiers must start with letter or ‘_’ and contain only letters, digits and ‘_’
- 12 Problem with initialization
- 13 Internal condition violation
- 14 Invalid use of a function
- 15 Calling engine function with an invalid parameter
- 16 Invalid value
- 17 No class (like ’edit’ or ‘button’) defined
- 18 No element (like window object or message field) defined
- 19 No entity (like window or message) defined
- 20 Log is not opened yet
- 21 No file opened yet
- 22 Item not found
- 23 Couldn’t open file for reading
- 24 Couldn’t open file
- 25 Report too large
- 26 Problem with master robot execution
- 27 Problem with connection (with test monitor, front-end or master/robot processing)
- 28 Necessary options missing or invalid
- 29 Illegal attempts to leave a run
- 30 Operation failed.