Creating a redundant license server

A redundant license server can be set up as a backup for an existing license server. When your primary license server goes down, the redundant license server is automatically and seamlessly activated.

You should create a redundant license server from a host machine on the network that is not already an active license server.

On the machine that is to host the redundant license server:

  1. If not already present on the machine, install the TestArchitect License Server application. (Learn more.)

  2. Start the License Server Control Panel. (Learn more.)

  3. Click the Serve as Redundant License Server button on the toolbar.

    Alternatively, select Tools > Serve as Redundant License Server.

  4. In the Register to Primary License Server dialog box, enter the full host name or IP address of the primary license server for which this license server will act as backup in the IP text box.

    If you use the full host name of the machine, ensure that the machine is connected to your working domain.

  5. Optional: Use the default port number for the redundant license server, or overwrite the port value with a different value.

  6. Click OK.

    If successful, the status bar displays the name and IP address of the primary license server.


Related concepts

Default port numbers and port ranges

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