License conversion

With floating licenses, TestArchitect Client licenses can be shared by multiple users within the same organization on a non-concurrent basis.Any floating license can be reconfigured to act as a host-based license, thereby restricting the availability of that license to one specific machine. This process is reversible: any host-based license can be converted back to a floating license. However, note that, the node-locked license is locked onto one machine and cannot be converted to another type.

An Agent license remains an Agent license whether it is converted from floating tohost-based, or vice versa. The same is true for Universal.

Acquiring a temporary Universal license
Within a working session, you can obtain a temporary Universal license to enable all features available in TestArchitect.

Converting a floating license into a host-based license
Any floating license can be reconfigured to act as a host-based license, thereby restricting that license’s availability to one specific machine.

Converting a host-based license into a floating license
Any host-based license can be reconfigured to act as a floating license, thereby freeing that license from a specific machine.

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